Chapter 56 - Time of Death

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"He's retelling seeing Simon with the gun aimed at Stiles" I hear Scott mutter next to me as we wait outside of Dad's office.

I close my eyes with his words and try not to freak out with knowing just how close I was to losing him tonight it was ridiculously close, despite his jokes to make the situation lighter

Scott lifts his arm that's next to me and wraps it around my back, pulling me closer to his side.

I rest my head on his shoulder and open my eyes, looking towards the closed office door.

Dad had asked Scott and I if we would come with him to the station to talk to us after he recorded his statement and had to put his gun and bullets into evidence bags since he had to use them on someone tonight

Dad opens the door a few seconds after Scott says he stopped the recording tape and looks to us with a soft smile "Thanks for waiting kids– I know it's late"

We return the smile as we push up from the desk we were sitting back on and I shrug "It's okay," Scott nods and continues "It's not like we're going to be going to school tomorrow anyway."

Dad smiles with a soft nod before he sighs and looks between us "Well unfortunately, I'm going to have to drive back to San Francisco tonight. I'll need to do a review at the field office– but I'll be back as soon as I can... I might have to miss the first game of the season"

Scott shakes his head, offering lightly to reassure him "It's no big deal."

Dad argues back quickly "It is to me. I'm keeping my promises this time."

I smile softly and offer him a look to say we believe him and we do, he's been really trying these last few months

Dad shifts on his feet, causing the bags in his hands to crinkle and my eyes drop to them, he notices and looks between us "What I did, it was necessary– justifiable. You both know that, right?"

I immediately flick my eyes up to him quickly and nod "Of course we know that. I'm sorry you had to go to the lengths that you did to stop that guy, but dad– you saved Stiles."

Offering a grateful look with my words, he nods once before Scott clears his throat "Have you done it before?"

Dad nods and looks between us while he answers "Two other times. It's not easy, taking a man's life, even someone who forces you to do it."

"How do you deal with it?" I ask softly, earning him to nod his head to the side, "You look at it logically. Without emotion. You compartmentalize."

Nodding with his words, Scott continues the questioning "How do you do that?"

Raising his brows, dad laughs once "I used to do it by drinking."

I make a face of understanding before Dad reaches forward and wraps each of his arms around us, pulling us in for a group hug.

We return the hug before he pulls away and sets one hand on the side of my face and the other on Scott's shoulder offering a smile that we return before he drops his hands from us.

Dad goes to step back before turning back to us quickly "Oh– one more thing. When I do come back, we have to talk about some stuff," I raise my brows with my silent question as he moves his eyes between Scott and I, continuing in his Fed voice "You guys and your friends, the way you guys handle things, it doesn't seem to faze you like it should. It's like you guys know something I don't. When I come back, I'd like to be in the know." not as oblivious as we were hoping, greeeeeeat

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