Chapter 109 - Our Forever Home

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Stiles and I walk in through the front door of the condo, heading straight for the kitchen where I set my iced coffee, which was needed at four in the afternoon after our shit day, onto the counter.

Setting my bag on the counter and taking off my sweater, I lay it across the back of the chair at the island and turn around towards Stiles, setting my hands on my hips as I complain "We have spent too much of our first year being married looking for a house for us to still not be in one."

Stiles groans in agreement, covering his face with his hands as the back of his legs hit the arm of the couch and he falls backwards onto it, grumbling behind his hands "Why is house hunting so fucking difficult?"

I pad my way over to the couch and look over the back at him while I answer "I don't know, I think it's got to be some kind of a requirement to have an agonizing process hating absolutely every house your realtor takes you to."

Stiles moves his hands from his face and flops them down against his sides "None of them have been right–"

"Or they have a horrible kitchen," I grumble, earning him to point towards me "Exactly– what are we going to do?"

I shake my head and set my hands on the back of the couch "I don't know? I don't like the idea of a starter home. When we find a home I want it to be our forever home– is that too unrealistic though?"

He reaches his hand up and wraps his fingers around my forearm, softening his face "It's as realistic as supernatural creatures being real, Watson."

I smile at that and reach my free hand over to rest on top of his "Well put, Sherlock– but I mean, at this point I feel like it's going to come down to staying in the city or having kids."

With those words, he sits up quickly as he declares "I want kids with you."

Removing my hand from his, I reach over and gently rest my hand against the side of his face as I smile softly with my agreement "I want kids with you too."

"So that settles it–" he states and quickly reaches over, wrapping his arms behind me and hauling me, resulting with a squeak of surprise from me, over the back of the couch to lay down on top of him while he continues "Let's build our perfect home."

"I'm sorry what? You want to build our house?" I clarify while getting my legs situated in between his and laying my hands on his chest to hold me up.

Stiles' hands rest on my waist while he shrugs "I'm going to find a really good contracting company to do the actual building but yes– I think this is going to be the only way we get everything we want in a home."

Drawing my brows inwards in my confusion, I go on "Isn't that a huge undertaking and way more expensive?"

Stiles lifts the corners of his mouth and shakes his head a little "Not really, I started looking into it a few months ago after house number, I don't even know what, had another fucking kitchen from the seventies we'd need to completely gut and remodel anyways."

"So back to price and what we can afford..." I trial off, not having even considered just building a home this whole damn time.

"It may end up being cheaper in the long run with the loan we're already pre-approved for," he repositions the pillows behind his neck more before he resumes his hands on my waist to fill me in on his plan "Think about it like this– if we bought one of these other subpar homes we'd have to gut and remodel the majority of it anyways. We might as well be building from the ground up, knowing the slab, electrical and plumbing would all be up to code and not hiding some scary problem we'll be dealing with in however many years."

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