kol mikaelson

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as we turn the corner i jump in the back as davina gets in the front looks like me and davina are pretty special   she  looks back at me and smiles as i return it she sits down and straps herself in  but the car doesn't  move

'Kol?' I say davina looks at him

'Really kol are you doing  this now?' She says annoyed with a smirk

'I dont understand?' I say confused 

She speaks but keeps eye contact  with  kol as he smirks back 
'He won't  move unless i give him a kiss' she says he presses his fingers to his lips  as she rolls her eyes

'Its not a lot to ask darling' he says
She sighs and leans forwards pecking his lips then undoing her seat belt  and climbing  towards me

'Davina  darling what are you doing?'She sits down next  to me and smiles

'You've  annoyed me' she smiles
'Now come on im going  to be late darling ' she says  mocking  his nickname for her.

'So how you been?' She asks

'Oh im f-' i start when kol interups

'Trying to kill herself ' he says

'What?!' Davina says looking at me

'I haven't tried to kill myself i was just training i pushed myself abit to far' i say kol looks back for a split second

'Yeah knocked out  freya nearlly killed elijah and nearly killed  herself by blasting  her power out and the ceiling  nearly collapsed on her but yeah shes fine' he says in a mocking tone i roll my eyes and look away

'You know you just have to be patient  you need to build your strength i know how you  feel trust  me when i was weak  i kept using my powers  and it nearly killed me if it wasnt for marcel' she pauses a while as kol looks back and smiles at her

'Just give it time then ill teach you the  ways to save energy and harvest  power from else where but only when your strength  is up' she says i smile

'Thank you' i say

'Your my friend thats what friends are for' she smiles as the car comes to a stop kol gets out and opens  the backdoor davina surprises me by leaning over and hugging me 

'See you kira' she smiles as kol practicly yanks her out the car. He places  his hands on her waist as she wrapps hers around his kneck he says something  to her as he pulls her closer and kisses her she smiles and pulls away burrying her head in his shoulder

'I love  you' i hear her say

'I love  you' he smiles she walks off  as he heads back to the drivers  seat

'Well are you coming  in the front?'
I smile and jump into the passenger seat.

'So how did you get the spell for the hollow?' He asks before taking a left

'Erm i dont know really' i reply
picking at  the threads in my jeans
He glances at me with a confused  face then back on the road

'What?' He says

'They just appeared in my head and rolled off my tounge and then i just placed it into the knecklace' i say

He murmers then turns right clicking his tounge  and tapping the wheel as his phone lights up he goes  to pick it up as i snatch it out of his hand he looks at me humoured by my response i look at him

'Password' i ask he smirks at me

'Why would  i tell you' he teases

'Because  im pretty sure the letter D with a red heart is davina..' i say

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