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I race back inside to resturant after seeing the bathroom window was now shut i race  past our table

' Kira?' luke says confused as i carry onto the bathroom

I see hope on the floor with a cut across her head groaning in pain   i run over to reach her but as i do im thrown backwards against the wall by the waiter  i lift my head up and my body up groaning

'you bitch shes a kid shes only 16' i yell standing up on my feet

'age means nothing for creatures like her' she spits kicking hope

i fly forwards and yank her back my arm wrapped tighty across her kneck as she slapps and kicks me as her nails dig into my stomach i gasp shes a wolf  im pushed backwards into the wall as i grunt in pain flopping down

'Hope!' Landon shouts as the waiter looks back towards the door

i take this as an oputinuty to grab her by hair kneck raising her against the wall i glance at hope as her breathing slows anger fills my veins as i smash her head agaisnt the wall repeatedly as her face turns a shade of blue

'Kira!' Landon shouts worried as the woman's eyes roll to the back of her head he pushes me to the floor

The woman stands back up her eyes glowing as she growls at Landon who scurries back on his ass  from her sharp claws and teeth

'Landon!' I shout as he pushes far back against the wall

I push myself up and feel the instant pain to my side of course I had to smack the sink on the way down

I breath through the pain and run jumping on her back pulling her towards me by her throat as I fall on my back I move around so I'm now on top of her and squeeze tighter on her throat  as her hands smack mine  her grip feels strong as I feel my hands involuntary moving

'Kira' Landon shouts shakily passing me part of the sink

I  grab it off of him and smash it down to her head hearing the gasp of pain escape her lips  I smack again and again until her body lays into a pool of her own blood

I drop the sink and look back at Landon 'I know your scared I know your confused but don't run' I say to his scared expression

'I will explain everything but right now we need to get hope out of here' I say

Landon eyes go wide remembering hope he rushes to her and pulls her against his chest placing his ear on her mouth  exhaling when he heard her steady breaths

'what about Luke?' He asked hope now in his arms slung across her chest

'We will tell Luke she passed out and need to go home' I say 'but you need to tell him why while I clean up this mess' I say as he nods

'What are you going to do with her?' He asks by the door

'What do you normally do with dead bodies Landon' I reply

I pat the soil over her now burried corse and return to restaurant seeing a worried Luke rushing over to me Landon what the hell did luke say

  'Are you okay Landon said you got attacked by a random person in the toilet but they got away'  I look to Landon who was ignoring my stare

'I'm fine Luke' I say softly as he pulls me against my chest 'I'm fine' the thing was I'm not sure if I am  I just killed someone for the first time since I was young and I don't feel happy about it.

We run  into the estate Klaus face filled with worry and anger  and runs over to Landon taking hope from his arms  aggressivly

'I'll bloody kill you !' He growls in landons face I push him back

'We were attacked Landon saved us' I say as he looks back to Luke

'Who the bloody hell is that' he says annoyed

'Klaus  just help Landon get to her room we need to have a chat with him a-bit later on go now!' i demand as he rushes her upstairs landon following shortly behind

'What happened!?' elijah says seeing hope in klaus's arm at the top of the stairs

'Long story we will need to ' i say as he looks towards luke and nods  then moves closer to me moving me to the side  by my arm

'What happened?' he whispered

'I dont know one minute we was eating then I was outside helping a woman who then attacked hope and then I tried to Help but and then I strangled her but Landon pushed me off she tried to attack him and I smashed her head in' I gasp at that last part now it's sunk
In  as Elijah looks at me confused

'Oh my god I smashed her head I smashed her head in what if she..' Elijah grabs me to him

'Don't ever say that  she was clearly  a danger to you and hope you did what you have to ' he smiles

'So how much did Landon see?' He asks as I laugh bitterly

'A hell of a lot actually klaus may need help if I'm being honest' he nods and runs upstairs as I turn to Luke who pulls me into a tight embrace


Short I know sorry but I wanted to give you guys an update xx

Edit 8/1/21

just adding paragraphs to make it easier to read

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