driving lessons

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Kol lends me a hand to the sofa after we got back he sits me on the sofa as he rushes to the kitchen getting  a glass of water  and handing it to me

'thanks' i smile he returns it

'kira what happened tonight?' He asks i swallow hard and place the glass on the side

'marcel was possesed i think...'

'no not that' he interups i bite the inside of my cheek

'I know marcels blood would of healed you why didnt you take it' he asks i sigh

'i dont want to talk about it' i say he shakes his head now standing infront of me

' i have a right to know' he raises his voice

'no no you dont' i say

'why didnt you take the blood were you trying to kill yourself?' he asks angrily as i stand up his tall frame towering me

'no!' i shout 'i wasnt trying to kill myself i just didnt want marcels blood!' i yell at him

my head feeling light i grab onto my head as i stumble kol grabs my arm and lowers me back on the sofa as he takes a deep breath

'fine you dont have to tell me not today at least okay but i want an answer at some point kira' he says much calmer then he was two minutes ago

i nod  slowly as i lean back him placing the blanket on me gently  i close my eyes as i hear him whisper 'what am i going to do with you?' i try to answer but fall asleep.

i sit in the kitchen as kol walks in grabbing the orange juice out of the fridge i glare at him as he brings it to his lips, closing his lips he looks over at me

'davina said i could' he says  i shake my head

'your funeral' i murmur

he scoffs and drinks it all in one gulp as i see a shoe fly straight past my face i jump back nearlly knocking over my glass gripping onto the sides as kol is knocked down one simple converse on his chest  i shake my head

'told you' i hum

walking over to him i reach out my hand as i pull him up steadying him against the counter as i walk over to the carton on the floor and wave my hand over it as it fills up

'kira!' kol lectures me as i hand the now full carton of orange juice to her

'what? it was a small spell' i turn around facing him 'see no nosebleed' he rolls his eyes 'next time dont drink it and i wont have to replace it' i smugly say sitting back on the stool grabbing a breakfast bar

'kol dont pout its not cute' davina says drinking out of the carton

he scoffs and vamp speeds to her wrapping his hands around her waist  pulling her close to him as she holds the carton out one hand on the back of his head

'want to say it again darling' he smirks before  he kisses her ever so gently then rests his forehead agaist hers

'god i cant wait to marry you  davina claire' she smiles

' me either kol mikaelson me neither' she smiles pecking his lips before walking to the fridge  placing it in the side before closing it

'cant we go back to bed?' he smirks i slowly gag as davina laughs glancing at me then back to Kol

'no i gotta help marcel he feels really bad but ill be back in 3 hours' she smiles stroking his cheek  he smiles kissing her again as she walks out the front door

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