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I walk into the house putting on the kettle as Landon walks into the kitchen placing himself down on the kitchen chair as I lean against the sides taking a deep breath as the kettle slowly whistles

'Hope doesn't know I'm here does she?' He asks looking around

'No Landon relax she's busy learning all the spells to take over the family witch while Freya is pregnant' I explain as I grab two mugs 'coffee?' I ask as he shakes his head

'Good lad that's the right answer how many sugars in your tea?' I ask as he murmurs two

I walk over placing our mugs on the side as I sit down opposite from him

'right so what do we know so far then?' I ask him as he pulls out three giant books and chucks them down on the surface

'I brought some supernatural books and Freya gave me this one to understand the supernatural world better to look after hope' he says as he nudges it over to me

'Right so supernatural blood and they said something about..' I say waiting for him to answer as I flick through the book

'They said I was one of a kind that they'd never seen something like me before in a while' he says

'Right so your rare but supernatural and compulsion didn't work on you well it's ruled down to at least 200 pages now Landon so get searching' I smile sliding the book over to him

I flick through the others looking at ancient stories of the supernatural occasionally laughing at the odd account on wolves and vampires especially the pointy hats for the witches

I couldn't even imagine Freya wearing a hat let alone kol, he told me about when he was a witch for a short time disguised as someone else. God I miss him

'I don't know what I'm looking for' Landon says ' I could be any of these' he says flicking effortlessly through the pages

'Well what are you so far?' I ask if he can pinpoint it maybe I can help cancel a few out

'According to this I'm a banshee,a demon wolf,A Wicca wonder witch/wizard or I could be a quadrid' he says

'A quadrid?' I ask

'Yeah I could be a Wicca wizard a demon wolf a banshee and a guardian' he says

'Well how about we try and cancel it down to one yeah' I offer as I take the book from him placing paper in the pages that he had read from

'How can you do that?' He says

'Well according to this book there's certain spells that attract the supernatural and there's weakness for each supernatural some only paired to a specific supernatural ' I say as I take a swig of my tea

' so ' I say 'which one shall we try first' I say

'Argggg' he shrieks

'Did it hurt?' I ask moving my hands down

'Yes it's fire why wouldn't it hurt' he says 'fire can hurt witches but it can't hurt humans too Kira' he says

right yeah i forgot about that

'Okay we'll I don't think your a witch because I can't sense your magic' I say thinking

'you think i could be magic?' he asks in disbelief

'im not sure You could actually be a demon wolf ' then I pull a face

'Why do I sense a but coming along?' He says

'But if you are and I force you to transform and it's the first time you've done it it's going to break every bone in your body twice over' I say as I hear his heart skip a beat

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