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Kira's POV

I Glance at the sheet AKIRA  I have to focus on what i have got, a meaning  bright, bright but what has that got to do with Garret bright like bright magic or bright as in im not that bright

i get angry and scream throwing the papers across the room

'woah kira!' a voice yells concerned as i feel arms wrap around me as i begin to cry

i scream in anger at the arms squeeze tighter

'you have to tell me whats going on?' the voice says as i pull away looking down at the sheet on the floor

i cross out the word building i have six days left and all i know is that Akira isn't a building some powerful trybrid i am  i can't solve a simple puzzle

I continue to thrash about the papers as arms roughly grab my shoulders

'Kira snap out of it!' the voice yells as i continue to lash out before i feel a pair of lips being roughly pressed agaisnt my own

i move back blinking a couple of times seeing those eyes

'luke?' i say as he nods smiling as he moves a piece of hair away from my face tucking it behind my ear

'yeah it's me, why don't you take a break Kira you've been at this for five hours now and i've only just managed to bring you back to me' He says as he stands up holding out his hand to me

I smile at him and reach for his hand then Kols face and Landons come to my mind then the dead faces of all my family members

i close my eyes and place my hand back to the papers as i sort through them

its not a building and it isn't a place so it has to be a person or a  thing where did i put the note

Luke POV

When she pulled her hand away i stood up and walked myself over to the kitchen leaning over the side what changed last night she was full of energy and excitment now she seems different and i gaurentee it's something to do with the papers scattered on the floor but the thing is there all blank not a single word on them at all and that's the thing that's worrying me the most

'Luke' she whimpers as i spin around glancing at her

'what, whats wrong?' i ask

'What does the name Garret mean to you?' she asks as i shrug 'What about Akira or ...or..or Steve?' she asks

'there just names Kira' i say as she slams her hand on the floor

'God damn it!' she screams before placing her hands over her face

'Kira why don't you go and sleep you look tired' i suggest

'no i'm fine' she snaps looking through me

'Kira?' i whisper as she takes a deep breath

'i.. i jus... i just need to do this okay please' She says a tear dropping down her cheek

I nod softly and grab some things out of the fridge as i start to cook a lasagna

I pull the lasagna out of the oven as i place it on the cooker before cutting off a slice and placing it on a plate before walking over to her kneeling down to her level

'I'm not hungry' she murmers

'Kira you need to eat something'I plead

'I will just not now' she pushes back as she taps away furiously at the keyboard

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