The perfect plan

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I stir awake as i hear the lock click as i think about the dream with Luke yesterday feeling his lips against mine was everything

'Goodmorning is someone hungry?' Garret asks

I shoot daggers to the side of his head as he slowly walks towards me placing a plate in front of me as i smell the blood from inside it as i throw it across the floor

'Now that isn't kind is it young sister' he grins

i pinch myself harshly as i take steady breaths

'Here' he says as he smudges it across my face 'Eat it!' he yells

'No' i whisper as he forces it into my mouth as the blood drips softly down my throat

'What are you hoping to achieve from this Garret there you have me you know my weakness why are you doing this?!' i yell as he smirks

'I'm orchestrating a plan, the perfect plan to bring us together' he says as he girns ' I just need to get you thirsty enough your still avoiding it' he says as he grabs a woman in

she looks at me confused

'What's going on?' she says 

'Garret?' i say  uneasy as she turns to him as he pulls out a knife

'GARRET NO!' i yell as he slices it across her throat  as she  falls forwards

I push myself far against the wall as she  looks up at me pain shooting in her eyes

I squeeze my eyes shut taking a breath

'Enjoy' he smiles before slamming the door shut as i hear the lock click

'Garret no GARRET!!' i yell as i run to the door banging my fists aggresivly against it

i place my head against the door as i feel myself loosing control as i smell the blood pouring out of her veins the sound it makes as it oozes onto the floor

'Garret please' i beg silently as i feel my eyes fuel with fire the viens creeping under my eyelid as my breaths shorten

my fangs pierce through  my gums as i slowly turn around as i vamp speed over to her as i pick her up aggresivly sinking teeth into her as her head rolls across the floor

I fall to the floor as i attack her as i drain every ounce of blood left in her body my body screaming for more


'We need a plan to get Kira if we do find her location' i say as Kol scoffs

'There will be no "We" if you got eaten alive by a vampire or something Kira would kick our asses' He says sitting down as he pulls Davina onto his lap as he takes a sip from his bourbon

'We need to find her first' Davina says 'If we dont know the location of the layout we cant make a plan we need to know each and every thing' she says as i nod agreeing she's right

'If we do we're going to need all the magic we can get' Elijah says

'We have three witches a ton of vampires and the wolves who are completely loyal to hope' Klaus says

'And I'll be there to be give power to Dee and Marcel can cover Hope and then Keelin will have Freya' Josh says

'And me and Elijah will kick ass' Klaus grins

'So what am i going to do?' i say annoyed i've been left out of this plan

'You will be on getaway with Landon when we grab Kira which then you will drive as fast as you can bringing her here where her and hope will put up a blood barrier' Klaus says

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