Chapter 1: arrested

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"Mom?" It remained silent on the other line for a couple of seconds. I bit my lip nervously as I was waiting for the person to answer.

"Lexi? Is that you? Where are you? Why aren't you home yet? If you get home young lady know your ass is grounded for the rest of the school year!" My mother roared. Yes, that was my mom.

"Mom chill down. Yes, it is me. And I don't know if you would like my answer..." I said casually.

"Spit it out Lexi, where are you?" She hissed.

"Maybe you should sit down before I answer-" I could not finish my sentence as my mother yelled again.

"I swear to God if you-"

Now I was the one who interrupted her, "Well you can already swear on God because I am at the police station, I got arrested. There I said it. Thanks for letting me speak." I sassed. I knew I had to handle this differently, but my mother just pushed all the wrong buttons with me.

Every time she opened her mouth, every fibre in my body wanted to scream at her. She was just so annoying, trying to control me all the time. My father was not any better for that matter.

"You got WHAT?!" She shouted through the phone, almost making my ears ringing because of her volume.

"I know you're not deaf, yet. Although you made me just deaf," The latter I murmured. "Just pick me up. Or I will have to stay here for the night."

I heard my mother sigh at the other line. "With that attitude I think you need it. Your father and I will pick you up tomorrow and do not get too comfortable. Your stay at the station is only the cherry on top of your punishment young lady." Just when she said that I heard the long beep, which indicated she hung up on me.

I groaned. I had stayed one other time at the station, and it is awful. The police office turned towards at me and asked, "Is you parent coming to pick you up?"

I put the phone back and answered, "No, I'm staying the night. How about we play the game truth or dare like girls do on a sleepover." My sarcasm was not really received well by the officer. He tightly grabbed my upper arm and dragged me to the cells.

The night was horrible, there was not enough space. So multiple people had to share a cell and therefore I had to sleep while sitting up. I barely slept and when I was wakening up my whole back ached.

The officer told me my parents had arrived at the station to pick me up. When I walked up to them with an officer next to me, I saw my father talk to another police officer. By his body language I could tell he was angry, no furious.

My parents went through this quite sometimes, more than I am proud of. I was just always to slow to get away from the police. You would think you would learn how to run away after seven times. Although I escaped them two times.

"Thank you, officer, I will take me daughter home now," my father said while locking his furious eyes at me. Uh oh. This day, ladies, and gentlemen will be a long day.

The car ride was filled with silence, like the silence before the storm.

When we came home and entered the living room my father ordered me to sit on the couch and keep my mouth shut until they were done with speaking. "Don't you dare and speak a word. I mean it Lexi. I want this be the last time we have to get you from the police station." He growled while pointing his finger at me.

"The worst thing of it all was for the same felony as last time. You cannot keep spraying paint on buildings where people work hard for their money Lexi! Also, people worked hard to put those building there. You should be ashamed of yourself."

"It isn't a felony dad, it's art. If you would be for once interested in my life, you would know how important to me my artworks are. You never come to one of my art shows. You only pay attention to me when I do something wrong! Do not you see a pattern here! Are you that dumb?!" I yelled at my parents. Something had snapped in me. It was not really a nice thing of me to say, but I had it with them.

"Lexi! You apologize to us right now. I will not tolerate this kind of behaviour in my house!" My fathers head was now red from fury, both his hands on his hip, showing me, he was dead serious.

"Only when you admit I'm right!"

"I don't have to admit anything to my own daughter. You ought to listen to me! I am your father!"

I did not want to take this anymore. I stormed of to my room, ignoring their shouts for me to come back. I slammed my door as I made my way to my bed. This was what I needed, a good nap. I laid down and closed my eyes.

I was woken up by my big sister. I rubbed my eyes and saw her standing in front of my bed. "Mandy what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at work?" I asked as I saw it was noon.

"Yes, but I heard from mom you got arrested again, so I came here for support." My sister explained.

"You mean to support mom?" I knew my mom would be a wrack after I acted out of line again. "Yes..." She said sheepishly. "But we also have visitors and I think it's important you meet them as well."

"Visitors?" I asked. Well, I was not curious about the visitors, but more to the reason why I had to meet them.

"Yes, so put some clean clothes on and meet us downstairs oke?" Mandy suggested. I really did not want to meet some strangers today as I was still tired. But my sister was always nice to me and she did not judge me.

I freshened myself up and made my way downstairs. As I entered the kitchen, I saw a woman and a man sitting in a suit at the dining table. They both stood up as I entered the room. "Lexi Miller?" The woman asked. "Yes?" I said while looking around in the room, looking for answers who these people were.

"My name is Hannah, and this is my colleague Dennis. Would you mind sitting down please?" Hannah asked. Who the fuck was she to tell me to sit down at my own house? My face looked probably angry as my father gave me the look. The look that said 'behave'.

So, I nodded my head as politely as I could and sat down at the dining table too, next to my sister.

"You probably ask yourself who we are, well let me tell you. We work for the Rehabilitation of Children Programme." Hannah explained.

The what programme? I thought. 


A/N: This will be only the story of Lexi, Nancy will be of course mentioned as she is her friend, but I wont go into detail of her storyline. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe! 

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