Chapter 10: our daughter

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I recommend to listen to this song while reading the chapter! 

Lexi p.o.v

They had put me in a room full of baby stuff. Colourful foam was laid down on the floor. A playpen was stationed in the corner. Different kind of toys were stored in, again, colourful boxes. A changing table was located against the wall and there was a television which was off.

A nurse was with me and tried to get me hooked on playing with these stupid dolls. I did not want to. I hated them, the dolls. I hated the toys; I hated the nurses and I hated Dennis. I thought that when I would go through that stupid procedure, of which we were not informed about, I would forget everything.

Well, guess what. I remembered everything. Right now, a mind of a sixteen-year-old was in the body of a two year old. It was fucked up. I hated that I could not use my body how I wanted it to. It frustrated me. A lot.

"I do not want to play. No play!" I said in an awfully bad way. My speech sounded like a two-year-old. Meanwhile I tried to express myself as a teenager. "Lexi remember, no shouting or yelling. It is fun, look how pretty the doll is." The nurse said sweetly, trying to convince me.

"No, no, no!" I yelled. My temper tantrum making itself visible. First the yelling, then the crying. I cried. Only not knowing what for or why. It was frustrating me.

"Its okay Lexi, no need to be crying." The nurse picked me up. "I think it is time for your nap." She hummed.

I did not want to sleep. I only wanted comfort. I clung onto the nurse when she tried to put me in my crib. Frist, she didn't understand, but when she did, she called Dennis.

Soon I heard a door opening. "Why are you crying sweetie?" Dennis took me from the nurse's arms. He bounced me up and down. Slowly he lulled me to sleep. The last thing I noticed was him putting my zebra in my arms.

Dennis p.o.v

Nervously I fumbled with my fingers. I was waiting outside for Mr. and Mrs. Dolivo. I hoped Lexi would behave herself. She was her old self before her nap. Most of the times after a nap her behaviour would tone down or she would act like a two-year-old, so I hoped for the same today.

I was biting my nails. In my head I was pleading Lexi would behave. But the reason why I was nervous was not because of Lexi, more because of Mrs. Dolivo. She was a strong woman with a dominating aura around her.

The last two times when I told her they were not first choice she was furious. Threating me to sue me and the programme. Now she was first choice, but I had my worries about the match.

Lexi needed a strong hand; she was a feisty girl even as a two-year-old. I knew a woman as Mrs. Dolivo would be able to handle her. And then you had Mr. Dolivo, he had the kindest heart. Knowing how Lexi's old father was cold and distant, he would be able to give her the father she always wanted. I hoped they could see it as well, as some parents do not like difficult children.

I saw a car approaching the gates. I straightened my suit, took a deep breath, and walked to the nearing car. The couple exited their car. Either of them had a big smile on their face. I copied them, giving them my biggest welcoming smile to cover my nerves.

"Mr. and Mrs. Dolivo, welcome. Good to see you." I held my hand out and shook both their hands, greeting me back.

"Shall we head up?" I suggested.

"Yes, that would be great." Mr. Dolivo said.

The three of us made our way up while we had some small talk. When entering the ward, I asked at the information desk if Lexi was awake. The nurse told she was in the entertaining room.

Before entering I took one deep breath hoping, pleading that Lexi would behave. We entered the room and I saw Lexi fumbling with her stuffed animal, which she had called Nancy. Honestly, it was quite heart breaking sometimes to hear. You wanted them to have a good life but to have that chance they had to make sacrifices too.

I knew she was not in her right headspace, but she was more docile, so that was good. "Lexi, you have visitors."

Julia p.o.v

We entered this adorable room full of things which could entertain any child. We could not she the little girl yet, as Dennis was blocking our view. I hold my husbands hand a bit tighter. He looked at me and kissed me shortly. Showing me, he was just as excited and nervous as me.

When Dennis moved out of the way a beautiful young girl was playing with her stuffed animal while a nurse was trying to get her to engage to play with the other toys as well.

When the nurse looked upon us, she quietly made her way out of the room giving us some privacy. Right then the little girl locked her eyes with us. "Who are you?" She asked bluntly.

To say we were surprised was an understatement. How was she still able to speak so well? I thought that would be all gone after the procedure. Our confused faces were noticed by Dennis. "She is still adjusting. We are getting there; she just needs more time." Dennis explained nervously.

I was a bit agitated, not because Lexi was not in her right headspace yet. She could not do anything about it. No, I was agitated because Dennis did not tell us, this important piece of information.

But Peter, my sweet Peter, did not let this bother him. He just rolled with the situation. "That's okay. Hello there Lexi." He sat down next to the little girl. "My name is Peter, and this is my wife Julia. Who is your friend over there?" Peter pointed at the zebra in her hands.

"Her name is Nancy." She said softly. "Wanna play?"

Again, a lot of questions filled my mind about her behaviour. I let Peter and Lexi get to know each other more while I gestured to Dennis to have a talk outside.

"I can see you have a lot of questions Mrs. Dolivo. Feel free to ask as many as you want." He assured me.

"Can you explain her behaviour to me? I know that these children are nothing like normal, but I have never seen anything like this." As a businesswoman I always wanted to know everything before I would decide about the matter at hand.

"Every child reacts differently after the procedure. Lexi happens to have a difficulty to get in the right state of mind or headspace as we call it. She woke up not knowing what happened but remained in her older headspace of a sixteen-year-old girl.

During these past days, her headspace goes back and forth. Sometimes they even mingle, like you just saw. She gets in between with her headspace. Our job is to stimulate her to stay or direct her in the headspace of a two-year-old."

I crossed my arms wanting to make a comment about his explanation, but he continued. "I know I should have told you and I apologize. I had hoped she would be in her right headspace by now. She is getting there, but still needs help.

Now you are wondering why I thought you would be the great match for her. Before we even knew she would react the way she does, she was a feisty girl. I know you can handle feisty. I can see you are a strong woman who loves a challenge and Lexi needs a strong woman to look up to." After his little speech he put his hands in his pockets.

"I accept your apology and I feel flattered for your reasoning why we would match. Thank you." I indeed loved a challenge and helping this little girl would be a honour. I walked back into the room, seeing how my husband was getting along with our potential daughter.

No, our daughter.

A/N: I want to thank you all for the support for this book. I saw that in the past twenty-four hours the number of reads increased a lot, so thank you!

Also if you want to see certain things, or have ideas for the book, or have opinions about the book, please let me know. I always love to read your comments.  

Thank you for reading and stay safe! 

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