Chapter 19: alone

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Peter p.o.v

I quickly made my way to the car so I could go to Lexi. Luckily for me I was done with work before traffic started to get extreme. So, nothing could stop me to go to my little girl.

As I stood in front of the classroom door, I saw Lexi sitting alone in a corner with her zebra. That was not something I was expecting, I had hoped she would at least made one friend to make her time at the day care more enjoyable. She looked up and saw me, "Daddy!" I heard her scream.

Well at least I made her happy. Mrs. Jones opened the door and Lexi was running in my arms. I picked her up and kissed her whole face to show how much I missed her as well. Mrs. Jones gave me her bag. "Thank you."

"You are welcome." She said with a smile.

"So how was she today?" I asked a bit hesitant, afraid I would only hear bad news.

"She... she had a difficult day. Lexi did not really want to engage in any activity, but I blame it on her first day being here. She is not the first one who was distant on the first day, but we have to look out for it, so it does not become a habit."

"Yes, I understand. Thank you for everything." I said sincerely.

"Well, it is my job." Mrs. Jones laughed. "Have a good day Mr. Dolivo and Lexi." We had said our goodbyes and with that we headed to our home.

"Daddy, daddy, daddy!" Lexi cheered. "Well hello to you too sweetheart."

I had sat her down in her car seat, making her ready for the drive. While were on the road we sang child songs together. I had read it would help a toddler with expanding their vocabulary and it looked like Lexi liked to sing.

Before we knew it, we were already home. The rest of the afternoon I kept Lexi entertained, she had an extreme amount of energy. It was hard to keep up for a grown up like me. I guess it was because of the fact she did almost nothing all day.

When Julia came home, she came running towards her. "Mommy!"

"Hello darling." She greeted her tiredly. I could see she had a busy day. "Mommy up, up." Lexi held her tiny hands up, ready to be held by her mother. Only Julia was not having it, she was tired, and I knew that she first needed a well-deserved cup of tea. "Not now Lexi, mommy will be with you in just in minute." Julia responded to our little girl.

Before Lexi could be upset, I distracted her. "Come Lexi, lets make some tea for mommy." This got her interest. Soon the three of us sat in the living room, I next to Julia who had Lexi on her lap.

"So how was day care?" Julia asked me.

"Well, she had a bit of a rough day, but that was normal according to her teacher." I informed my wife. She did not look concerned at all. "I think it will be okay, we just have to wait and see. Every child learns how to be away from their parents." She said while caressing Lexi's hair.

The next day we had gone to the day care it was the same routine all over again. I felt so bad as a parent, I made my own daughter cry. But I agreed with Julia that Lexi had to learn how to be on her own, only I thought we could wait with that. Seeing as Lexi went through a traumatic event.

When I came and picked her up, I heard from Mrs. Jones Lexi was once again not responsive to the activities which were organised through the day. I became worried, but Mrs. Jones as Julia said to give it more time.

A week later.

Lexi p.o.v

They left me again. I did not like it here. The others did not want to play with me. I tried, like now. We were outside with the butterflies. I liked the butterflies. The kids not. I went to two Max, Layla, and Vince they played with the ball. "Play?" I asked.

"No." Vince said.

I walked away to the plants, there were butterflies. I liked butterflies. I giggled. Soon they were not interesting anymore and I sulked in a corner, I missed mommy and daddy.

After naptime Miss tried to get me play with the other kids, but when she walked away the children turned away from me. So, I did not try again to play with them, afraid they would hurt me like Anna.

I walked to the corner filled with pillows and sat there with Nancy. Nancy was my only friend together with mommy and daddy.

I was happy as I saw daddy again. I run up to him as he put me in his arms. "Daddy!" 

A/N: If you are wondering why the children are acting the way they do. The first days of Lexi being at the day care she did not want to play with them as she was waiting for her parents. The children did not understand here and found her weird. Therefore when Lexi finally asked to play with them, they did not want to be around her because she was different. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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