Chapter 23: uncle Michael

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Peter p.o.v

I stormed out of the room. I wanted to cry, to scream, to throw things around. I could not go to Lexi right now. I went to my office and stayed there, in the hope when I came out of the room Julia would be gone. After five minutes I left my office and went downstairs to Lexi.

Julia was indeed gone, the urge to cry, scream and through a fit came back. I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face for Lexi. "Daddy look!" Lexi hold her zebra up and had put her scarf around Nancy. "She looks very pretty sweetheart." I picked her up and put her on my hip. "How about we watch a movie?" I hummed.

"Mulan!" She squealed. I chuckled. It was exceedingly difficult to get her hooked on a different movie as she always wanted to watch Mulan.

Once Lexi asked about her mommy, only I could keep her distracted with her toys so she would stop asking.

I managed to get through the day without losing my sanity as the love of my life made her way to some other guy.

When I had put Lexi to bed, I grabbed a drink and sat on the couch. I had hoped the television would provide me with enough distraction so my thoughts would not wonder to the fact my wife left me without even to try to put up a fight.

Only it did not.

I thought about all the times we tried to have a child. How I would support her through her big wish of having a little one running in our home. Every time the results came back negative, I was her supporting shoulder to cry on. No matter what I kept supporting her into getting a child of our own. Do not get me wrong I am incredibly happy with Lexi, but when Julia opted the idea of having a child, I imagined myself taking care of my pregnant wife.

How I would take her to her ultrasounds, to go to the groceries store in the middle of the night to get some weird type of food because Julia was graving for it. Or how I would massage her feet, rub her belly and help her with standing up and sitting down.

Now some other man was going to experience it all. I had gone through all the downs because there were no ups during that period and some jerk could see all the beautiful things about getting a child.

Tears escaped my eyes. I broke down. I did not only lose my wife, now I officially lost my last chance of having a baby. I thought that maybe by some miracle we could have a little sister or brother for Lexi.

The next day I woke up with a headache. I had too many drinks last night.

During breakfast I knew I had to do something. I did not want to sent Lexi again to the day care, but she would have to go the next couple of days as I was figuring out a solution. I had to work but I also wanted Lexi to stay home. We would try when she was a bit older to go to day care again. Right now, was not the time.

As I was playing with my little girl only one person came to my mind. My brother. The last time we spoke was at our parent's funeral. We did not have a big fight or disagreement; we just grew apart.

When Lexi was taking her nap, I tried to call him. "Michael?"

"Peter boy, is that you?"

"Yes, it's me Michael, how are you?" I said a bit irritated. 'Peter boy' was always something I hated. No wonder we drifted apart.

"Good, good. Business is going well, and I finally quit smoking. How are you little brother? It's been a while since you called."

"It's been good- no, yes, I'm sorry. No, I am not alright Mike," I sighed. "You know Julia, my wife."

"Oh yes that pretty brunette, how is she?"

"Yes, her, uhm, we are getting a divorce..."

I explained to him what happened. I explained how we got Lexi and why we broke up.

"Well, I'm happy to hear you finally got yourself a little girl, but I'm sorry to hear about Julia. I really thought you two would stay forever together. So how can I help? I know this is a difficult period, so I assume you need help."

"Yes, I'm sorry to ask you on such short notice and I'm sorry I did not contact you the past few years. But I indeed need your help. Would you mind staying over here for a couple of days so you could watch Lexi while I sort out my... my life."

"Peter boy, you do not need to apologize, communication works from both ways. Honestly, I feel flattered you come to me for help after not speaking to me for several years. I can stay at your place for as long as you need, but first I will need to make my own arrangements. So, I can be there in three days. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, thank you Mike. You are really helping me out here." I sighed in relieve.

"No problem, see you then."

"See you then."

A/N:  A short chapter because I have again an exam coming up. So I do not know when I will upload again. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe! 

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