Chapter 26: movie day

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Peter p.o.v

The next day I woke up refreshed. I really had a good night of sleep, but then it hit me, Lexi. Normally I would be already awake. I sprinted my way to my little girl's room. How had I slept through her calling for me? I entered her room, but was met with something much, much worse. She was not in her crib. Panic pumped through my veins.

I quickly made my way down but slowed my steps when I heard my daughter's laughter. I walked into the kitchen and I saw Michael and Lexi having breakfast together. I sighed in relief. 

"Oh, I see, you would have rather a breakfast party with the two of you instead with me." I joked.

"Well, with that attitude, yes indeed." Michael fired back. I must have been looked a bit hurt because my brother quickly said, "I just wanted for you to have a sleep, that's all. This pretty lady asked me already a hundred times to come get you."

Right on cue my little girl chanted, "Daddy, daddy, daddy!" As she was done with her breakfast, I picked her up and put her on my hip. "Hello sweetheart, did you have a nice breakfast with uncle Michael?"

"Yes, look waffles!" Lexi squealed. I sighed. Waffles were not a healthy breakfast, but then again things were different and were going to be much different for her. So, having a nice and festive breakfast would be good for her, for what has yet to come.

I gave her a kiss on her head. "How about I put you in your playpen with Mushu and when I'm done with breakfast, I will get you?" Lexi did not either agree or decline my suggestion, so I saw no harm in settling her alone in the living room.

When I came back in the kitchen, Michael had set up breakfast for me on the dining table. "Thanks."

"No problem." He took a sip from his coffee as he was sitting in front of me. "You two are really cute together, you know that?" I looked at him confused, not sure to what he was referring to. This had been a normal morning for me, so I did not know what was considered as cute.

"You and Lexi. I can really see you care about her." My older brother remarked.

"Well, of course, she is my daughter after all." I explained.

"Yes, I know, but not you biological daughter." His eyebrows raised. I did not understand what he was trying to say.

"She is my daughter Michael. That is a fact, and nothing can change that." I said slightly agitated.

"I'm sorry, that came out the wrong way. What I mean is that I never would have expected from you to be so involved in somebody's life which isn't your blood. Do not get me wrong here, I mean it as a compliment because I never thought you could be like this. You and Julia both wanted a child so badly, I thought if you would have adopted one you would have struggles with treating the child like your own."

I was surprised by my brother's observation. I did have those worries. Even though I was the one who opted the idea of adopting a child, in the beginning it was only to please Julia. Later, I became more accustomed with the idea, but it took some time. Only I had forgotten about those worries when I saw my daughter for the first time.

"I'm proud of you little brother. I'm proud of the way you treat her despite the horrible situation you are in." He smiled at me, which I copied.

When Michael finished his coffee and I my breakfast, we went to Lexi. Walking in the living room I heard Lexi slightly coughing. I picked her up and noticed only now she had a running nose. "Was she like this in the morning?" I asked Michael.

"Only the cough was present this morning nothing more. It looks like her condition has worsened. Maybe if she rests a bit it will pass, no need to get extra worried." My big brother assured me, like he always did. Even after my stupid accident from which I gained my stupid nickname Peter boy.

When I was ten, I thought I could fly like Peter Pan because we shared the same name. I jumped out of our bedroom window, only to be held back by a tree. Honestly, the tree saved my life, as I was dangling with my pants at a branch. Upside down. Meaning you could see my underwear as I was dangling with my feet at the tree branch. My brother never laughed as hard as on that very day. But even when he mocked me, he promised me that he would never, ever share that memory of me, the memory of my accident. Until this day he has never told a soul about that faithful day, at least, I think.

As I look at Lexi in my arms, I knew she was awake now, by two to three hours, but maybe a bit of rest would prevent a possible cold. "How about a early nap, sweetheart?"

She was not too thrilled about the nap, nevertheless she accepted it with a bedtime story of her uncle.

But even after her nap she was not feeling well. I became worried. Michael on the other hand stayed calm. "She is a child and children get sick all the time. She got her shots, right?" I nodded my head. "So, it will probably only be a cold. It will pass. The one thing we can do for her, is making her feel comfortable. How about we get a lot of pillows and blankets and we have a movie day?"

It did sound good, not only for Lexi but for me too. I was still tired, and I had many things on my mind. This would be an exceptionally good day to relax.

I agreed with my brother and when we had all our things Lexi became excited as well. The first movie we watched was Mulan of course, later on we watched many more Disney movies.

In the evening, just after Lexi went to bed, Michael wanted to sit down with me.

"So how are we going to do this?" He asked with a serious face, that meant business. When he looked serious, you knew it was important what he was about to say.

"Doing what exactly?"

"How do you want to play this divorce out? Do you just want to file a divorce, do you need a lawyer, do you want to mediate, do you need to go to court?" I understood he was helping me, but it was all very fresh, and Julia and I had not really talked about a divorce yet, I only assumed.

"I haven't thought about it, it was only a mere week ago she had left me." I rubbed my hands over my face, feeling overwhelmed by what has yet to happen.

"I know, but if you bring your game to the table you have a bigger chance in getting what you want out of this divorce. This is especially necessary because in my opinion Julia doesn't deserve anything."

I did not respond to that as I found it hard to talk bad about the love of my life. Even though she was disloyal to me does not mean my love has completely died out for her. You can not just un-love someone. But Michael was right, I had to bring my game to the table as one person was at stake of our divorce, Lexi. 

Thanks for reading and stay safe!

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