Chapter 17: revenge

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Please read the whole chapter, you will understand why I choose this path in the end. Thank you!

Julia p.o.v

I sat on the couch with my little girl on my lap. She laid down on my chest as I rubbed her back. Lexi did not want to nap unless one of us was with her and we did not blame her. What she had to go through was despicable. That stupid wench was not done with us.

Yesterday we had to go to the doctors to make sure Lexi was fine and was not even more harmed than the bruises we found. The bruises were already bad enough, but we were afraid she might have had any alcohol. Luckily, she did not.

After the appointment Peter was furious, even more than he already was. The bruises on her legs were a horrendous sight to see. I on the other hand was fuming on the inside. I let Peter do the yelling, I stayed calm. While I was comforting my daughter, in my head I had already multiple strategies planned out how to take that girl down.

Nobody touched what was mine.

"You let me do the talking. I'm going to let her know what I think of her irresponsible actions." Peter roared. "Babe, please keep your voice down Lexi is still asleep. Secondly, I will do the talking. We both know that the moment you get emotional, everything you say becomes irrational and will not make any sense."

He slumped in his chair but agreed with me. "When do we meet up again?" Peter asked with a sulky face. I had to contain myself to not to laugh. He looked like a little child who did not get his toy. "Tomorrow afternoon." He nodded his head.

I sighed. "Babe I owe you an apology. I totally overlooked Lexi's behaviour and if I agreed with you or noticed it too maybe things would not have gone this far, I'm sorry." His sulky face turned into one filled with love. "Hon, this is not your fault. Yes, maybe you overlooked Lexi's behaviour, but it was Anna who deceived us."

I agreed with him, but there was still a part of me who felt a bit guilty. I felt Lexi stir in my arms. "Hello there my little munchkin." I put my hand through her hair. I always loved doing that with her and it calmed her down. "Mommy?"

"Yes, I'm right here." Lexi would from time to time ask for us, just to make sure we were there with her. It was quite alarming, and I hoped it would not become something permanent.

The next day the three of us were heading to our meeting with Anna. Her parents asked for a settlement. We did not want a settlement, but we were both grown up enough to give her a chance. So, if she could convince us she felt remorse for her wrong doings we would settle because we found out she was much younger than she said she was.

We thought she went to college, but she was only a high school senior and the money she had earned by neglecting our daughter she used for anything but school tuition. The fact she was still a minor was quite amusing to me. Using my contacts, I found out she had skipped a lot of school hours, had multiple encounters with law enforcers and did not have a stable home.

Now I would never wish for someone to be taken from their family but using that threat against Anna was quite thrilling.

We had entered the lobby of building together with our lawyer, where the mediator was already waiting for us. Short after Anna arrived with her parents and lawyer. In silence we walked to the room where we would hold our meeting.

Well, the meeting went every way except the good one. Peter and I were so done with Anna's behaviour. The whole time she had just leaned back in her chair and let the others do the talking. Not one time we hear the words 'I am sorry' coming from her mouth.

When we still not came to a conclusion, I made an offer. "How about I talk with Anna alone for a minute."

"No absolutely not!" Anna's lawyer said. My lawyer wanted to decline the offer as well, but I did not let him. "Just hear me out. Anna has not said a word to us, you did all the talking. The only thing we want to hear from her is an apology. Of course, I understand it is quite humiliating to admit your fault, therefore I suggest we have a civil talk. Woman to woman."

The whole room agreed, even the mediator agreed. I did not expect that. They all left the room, and it was just me and that wench, Anna. She still looked unbothered, I had to change that.

"I am no-" Anna started, only I did not let her talk. "Do not even think about finishing that sentence, young lady. I am not going to tell you what you did wrong, why it was wrong and how to fix your mistake.

I am going to tell you what is going to happen if you do not say what we want you to say. I know you have a bad record with your school grades and the times you have been arrested. I also know you love your life right now. You have many friends, a boyfriend, and a lover on the side. How awful would it be if you would have to leave that life behind you?"

"What do you mean?" Anna's unbothered demeanour changed into a scared one.

"What I mean is that children like you will be signed up to be babies or toddlers again to be adopted and I know it sounds ridiculous but that is how we got our daughter. And I really hope if you are turned in a helpless baby a horrible babysitter will take care of you. Just so you could experience what my little girl went through.

So, this is what I suggest. You will apologize to us and you will take the deal which says you have to work a total of two thundered hours of community service."

"And if I don't?"

"Sweetie I already told you, you will be turned into a baby again. And do not think I am bluffing because I have many contacts. So, what is it going to be?" I looked straight into her eyes, seeing how she is battling the dilemma in front of her.

In the end she took the deal and apologized to us. I let one of my contacts keeping an eye on her, if she would make a misstep again, he would immediately inform the Rehabilitation of Children Programme.

Four weeks later Anna stepped out of line again and shortly after the programme was informed and one month before her 18th birthday she had to go through the programme. I know it was not the best way to take revenge, but I knew it was horrible for the stupid wench.

In the end I had my sweet, sweet revenge. 

A/N: I have read your comments and I'm really glad many of you are invested in the story. So besides my doubts I will keep on writing this book. 

I have also seen the suggestions you made for possible ideas for the aftermath of Anna's behaviour. Now you have read the chapter you know I did not include your idea's like you wanted them to, I know and I'm sorry. But in every way I tried to fit in that kind of revenge, it would not make sense with the rest of the story I have in mind. 

So I came up with this as a compromise. Anna will be a baby, but 'legally'. 

I also know I made it sound like only horrible kids go through the programme, but that is not the truth and Julia knows that as well. She only tries to scare Anna. And yes Anna finds it horrible that just before she becomes of age she is turned into a baby again. So I would say the revenge was quite good. 

I would like to thank @trent1986, @ProgrammerRickLUA, and @Itz_Mocha for helping me giving me ideas for this chapter. Even though your suggestions did not make the book, they did help me write this chapter. 

Also I want to thank you all for your nice comments on this book and your votes. 

Thank you for reading and stay safe!

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