Chapter 4: arriving

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II was in my little brothers' room to play video games with him. Today was the day I would be taken from my family. Well taken sounds a bit too serious, but I would go willingly. My little brother wanted to spend my last time here at home with me. He had beaten me in every game we had played, damn he was good.

Right when I tried to save my character, he killed me, damn it. "You stink!" Jack shouted as he pointed at me. He then held his arms up and cheered on his win. "I'm a winner and you're a loser!"

"Yeah, yeah, Jack I know. I am indeed a loser. Make sure to make Mandy a loser as well while I'm gone oke?" His face turned a bit sad now, shit. That was the last thing I wanted. "Why can't you stay? Last week everything went fine. Why couldn't you live like that with us?"

I understood where he was coming from and indeed last week, I showed I could indeed live the goody-goody life, but I really had to held myself back. The many times my parents went to check up on me to really see for themselves if I was indeed behaving, made me almost go crazy. But for the sake of everybody I kept my mouth shut. Although it was extremely hard, and I was glad I was leaving today.

I ruffled his hair. "Hey bud don't be sad. The only reason why I stayed at home and behaved was because I wanted for all of us a peaceful week. But if I did not go, I would have just hung out with my friends like I normally would, which would make mom and dad mad because they don't trust me."

He looked down at his controller and shook his little head, "I just don't understand."

"To explain it to you the simple way, I just don't fit in this family anymore. Too much has happened, some things are not fixable anymore bud. But I do not want you to back down because I am gone. Live your life and be kind to Mandy. Please promise me that?" I pleaded at him.

He sighed but nodded his head anyway, "I promise."

Before I could thank him, our mother walked into the room. "They are here." I gave a firm nod to her statement and walked to the living room, my brother behind me. Entering the room, I saw that everybody had sad faces. Gosh why? We all knew this was for the better, not the worse. "Please don't cry," I said to them. I saw they all tried. I gave them all a good hug.

"Try to enjoy your new life," Mandy said.

"Behave and... and live your life to the fullest," my dad muttered.

"Be nice," was all what mom said.

The last hug was to Jack who said nothing but hold me longer than the rest of them. When I had pried him off me, I walked through the front door where that guy Dennis was waiting for me.

I looked one last time at my family and then at my mother once again, "I really couldn't take anything with me?" She shook her head. I think she was too afraid if she opened her mouth she would burst out in tears.

I walked towards the car, looked one more time at my old home and entered the car. With Dennis joining us in the car we drove away. I did not want to look at them while we were leaving, too scared I would change my mind.

Well, there is no going back now, I thought.

Dennis sat next to me in the backseat. He had put his phone away and turned to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked me.

"Fine." I muttered. Not really in the mood for a fucking chit-chat. How do you think I feel, you asshole, I just left my family? I need some time to process that. I was already annoyed by him and we were only fifteen minutes on the road.

"I understand that it's difficult for you to talk about your feelings, but if you want to, know that I'm here." He said gently and with a friendly smile. The smile gave me, however, a creepy fibe. It looked friendly but at the same time fake.

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