Chapter 22: the decision

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Peter p.o.v

Yes, I was with him. Him. HIM! Her words had finally settled in after she had said that sentence. My wife was cheating on me while our daughter was looking for her parents because she missed us. To say I was angry was an understatement. And to top it all off, she did not even look guilty.

I was furious.

"Our daughter was looking for you while you spread your legs for another man!" I roared through the living room. "Why, why did you even bother to get through with the adoption if you were going to leave me?! Or did you think you could have a fling because it was not excited in our bedroom anymore?!"

I picked up my glass and through it against the wall. "For fuck sake, try to at least look guilty!"

Julia flinched when the glass hit the wall. I knew she had never seen me this angry before.

"I thought a child would fix things between us, but it did not." She said in a low voice while looking at her hands.

"What things needed to be fixed?!" I growled.

"Like you said it was not excited in the bedroom anymore and I needed someone to be more dominant in our relationship." She stated, now more confident.

"Are you serious right now? You are the one who loves to dominate others, if I tried to take the lead, so to say, you would never let me. Not in the bedroom, not in our daily life's and if you were not happy with our relationship you could talk about it. You know, like adults." I sighed.

"I think love had run out for me to talk things over." Well, that hurt. I let myself fall on the couch. "Let's be honest Peter. Me not being able to get a child drove us apart."

"That is not how I saw it. Not one day I loved you less. I think after getting Lexi in our life's I even loved you more." I shrunk further in the couch; my fury replaced by sadness. I looked at the love of my life with hurtful eyes. Again, she did not show any emotion this was as difficult for her as it was for me.

"So, how serious are you with him?" I asked hesitant. "His name is Zander, and we are quite serious." Julia answered.

"So where does that put us? Do you even want to save this marriage and what about Lexi?" My irritation grew again in me.

"Honestly, I don't know, and I feel bad for Lexi, I really thought she could help save our marriage. But now I have my doubts." I did not know what to feel anymore. Julia was the love of my life, in the past, the present and the future. Now she had thoughts to leave me, to leave us.

"So, what now?" I asked.

"How about we sleep on it? To let sink in what we have discussed." Julia offered, like it was some business deal she wanted to make. I wanted to get angry about how indifferent she was about all of this, but I was tired, and I did not want things to end this night. As long as there was hope to save our marriage I would take that change in a heartbeat.

"Only on one condition, we both stay at home until the weekend. So, no work." Julia had a hard time to except that condition, but in the end she agreed.

So, the next couple of days we tried to keep everything down around Lexi while she was with us at home. She was thrilled she did not have to go to the day care, and she could spend some time with us, especially with her mommy. I noticed she had missed Julia. Only Julia remained distant from her, which was something I forbade her to do. Lexi must not know there was something going on between us.

It was Saturday and the weather was nice for a fall day. I had promised Lexi we would go outside in the backyard. We had a swing set which she really liked and the butterflies of course. Just when I had Lexi ready to go outside Julia came up to me. "I have to run some errands; do you need something?"

"I think we need more diapers for Lexi." She nodded her head and left the house.

I had a great time with my little girl. She was giggling and squealing. I felt like a great dad and right in that moment I had hope for our family. Maybe Julia and I needed some time, and everything would be fine.

Only my happy mood was soon ruined. It took Julia five hours to 'run some errands. First, I wanted to get mad at that as we promised to spend time together as a family during the day. At night we could talk or fight things out.

Just before I could make a remark, she came up to me. "I need to talk to you, alone." I had put Lexi in the playpen with the promise we would soon be back. She got much better at being alone. So, I could leave her in the living room with a good heart.

Julia and I went to our bedroom. "Please sit down Peter." Julia looked quite distressed. I had never seen her this anxious before. Not even when we had to wait for the results to see if she was pregnant. "What's wrong?" I asked worried.

"How do I tell you this?" She paced from left to right in front of me.

"Just tell me, what is going on?" I pressed.

"I... uhm... I-I am... pregnant." She whispered. First joy filled me. We had finally done it, but than I remembered Zander and my joyful mood was replaced with anger.

"Don't tell me it's from him?!" I growled.

"I did the math Peter; it could only be from him." I stood up angrily, my hands clenched into fists as I breathed heavily. "And I want to keep it."

"OUT!" I screamed. "I want you out of my life and of Lexi's".

Thanks for reading and stay safe!  

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