Chapter 16: The Ex

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-Aria's POV-

I turned my head in the direction of the voice as I was still leaning on the wall with Dylan. My heart sunk to the very bottom of my stomach. The boy I never expected to see, not here, not now,  came to my eyes. His hair was the same light brown with blue eyes as I remembered. Disbelieve came upon my face, not being sable to say anything. Dylan backed away from me and stood up straight. I moved away from the wall and looked from him to the guy.

"Hey... You look wow!" The man said with a slight smile.

"What are you..." I trailed off speechless. This was so awkward, I haven't seen him in ages and I wanted it to stay that way

Dylan interrupted me ,"I'm Dylan," He put his hand out for the guy to shake.

Quickly he grabbed it and shook it ,"I'm Noah,"

The celebrity looked over at me not knowing who Noah was, but he could tell that I was tense and didn't want to be there.

"Aria we should catch up sometime. Maybe over a dinner? Although, I  don't have your number anymore," He scratched his head feeling silly.

"You do not have it for a reason. Also I am gonna pass on the dinner. I'm out right now," I looked back at Dylan so he knew who I was on about.

"So are you like um... I heard rumours but I...,"  

Dylan slid his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him. A smirk appeared on his face as he rubbed his thumb softly on my hip bone. "We are on a date ,dude, so can you go?"

I looked away from him so I could look at Noah's reaction ,"Right! Well I'll see you later. Tell your dad I said hey," He smiled knowing what he was doing.

"You know we don't talk and I wish I could say the same thing about seeing you!" I replied harshly.

"Right well... I still want dinner so next time," He replied stubbornly. rubbing his hands through his hair.

"It's a a no to dinner,"

"You'll change your mind. you always do!" He winked which made me cringe ,"You have my number,"

Dylan tightened his grip on my waist protectively. 

"She won't be needing it," He flashed a fake smile before winking back at him.

"You seem so sure. She always comes back. Fair warning mate," Noah replied putting his hands out defensively.

"Let's just go," I looked at Dylan with desperate eyes so he could see how uncomfortable I was.

"Yeah, good idea," He agreed and took my hand while we began walking. Dylan shoved his shoulder against Noah as we went past him which made him fall back a little.

We carried on going down the street without saying anything to each other for at least six minutes.

"Sooo...," I trailed off trying to make the atmosphere less tense.

"I take it that was the ex?" He wondered with a slight frown on his forehead.

"That obvious?" I asked rhetorically, "Thanks for standing up for me,"

"No problem! No one can mess with my date," Dylan replied.

"I guess.."

"Hey!" He exclaimed getting excited ,"You just agreed that we are on a date,"

"Nope still not a date, they end up with kisses at the end," I smiled and sped up my pace so I was ahead of him.

He strolled up to me and wrapped his long arms around my small waist and whispered in my ear ," The nights not over yet."

I grinned a bit before pushing his arm off playfully , "Your being very touchy tonight," I laughed.

"What don't you like it?" Dylan questioned as we walked at a normal pace than before.

Not knowing how to answer it, I stayed quiet.

"Okay... Um that sounded better in my head," He scratched his hair.

We both laughed it off and continued making our way down the street until we arrived to the car.

After we hopped in the car and made general chit chat, " So you have the tonight show tomorrow- if I'm correct. What are you going to say?"

"What do you mean?" I was gonna say whatever they asked me.

"Well they are going to ask about this," He moved his hand back and forward between us.

"Okay... So what about 'this'?" 

"What is this? Us? Is a better question," Dyl remarked. Part of me knew that he wanted to be 'something' and part of me did too.

"I have no clue!" This is why I didn't get into relationships that much;  so complicated.

"How are you going to tell him what is happening if we don't know yet either?"  It's true, I had no idea what I was gonna say about us , "What do you want to be?"

"Right now... A date!" I took a short pause to think about what I was going to say.



I hope you liked this! What do you think of Noah? Aria finally admitted it's a date! 💕✨

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