Chapter 53: DNA Test

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-Dylan's POV-

It's been a week since the baby was born.

After taking forever to decide, on the third day, we named her Scarlet.

I personally didn't want that name but Brenda insisted. She got out of hospital two days later.

Aria had met up Cassie and Lizzie at the park but her father didn't know. She wanted to get to know them better - especially her younger sister.

I can tell it's been hard for her since Scarlet was born. However she is still great to her.

We sat in her apartment - the baby was at Brenda's.

"Hey have you ever thought the baby might not be yours?" She asked crossing her legs.

"Well at first I did but not now. Brenda wouldn't lie about that," I answered confused why she would say that.

"Yeah no your right," Aria shook her head at herself and put on a movie.

However, her phone kept bleeping every five minutes.

"Maybe you should answer that," I suggested passing her her phone of the table.

She looked at the message with a shocked reaction.

"Everything okay?" I questioned. She just nodded and went into a different room because someone phoned her.

-Aria's POV -

Dylan's mom phoned me about going to the hospital with Scarlet.

She wasn't convinced the baby was her sons. Lisa said that she knew he loves me and wouldn't do something like that.

I explained how I saw them... Together. But told me that Dylan said he can only remember kissing her.

We had planned to take her to the hospital for DNA results.

We decided not to tell anyone about it because they would try to talk us out of it.

Later on that day, Dylan went out with his dad to watch a baseball game.

I was babysitting Scarlet so I called Lisa if we could take her. She agreed straight away and made her way to my apartment.

"Hi Aria how have you been Sweetie," She said coming into my apartment.

"I'm okay thankyou for coming over straight away," I answered as she picked up Scarlet.

"Of course. Anytime,"

"Our appointment is in half an hour. We should get going,"

We got all our things and I made my way to the hospital.

I felt bad doing it behind Dylan's back but we just want what's best for him.


We sat in the hospital waiting area until  the doctor called Scarlet.

I picked her up and went into the room the woman pointed to.

Lisa decided to wait outside.

"So I see we are here for a blood test?" The woman asked typing on her computer.

"Yeah that's correct," I smiled awkwardly as she got out the needle.

"It will be uncomfortable for Scarlet so just hold still for me," She replied putting the needle into her arm.

The baby wailed as loudly as I tried to calm her down.

"There we are all done. I will phone you when I get the results back,"

"Thankyou! Have a great day,"

I went over to Lisa, "The doctor is going to call me when the information comes back,"

"Great. Remember don't tell Dylan yet," She said as we walked over to the car.

Once I buckled Scarlet into her chair I drove back to my apartment.

Dylan was at the front door.

"Hey Tor- wait why are you with my mom?" He asked confused.

"We wanted a girls day," His mom said smiling while holding his baby.

"Right.. What's that on Scarlet's arm?" He added taking her of Lisa.

I mentally cursed to myself. The nurse put on a plaster to stop bruising.

"Well, um, Brenda asked me to take her to the hospital. Boosters and that,"

"Poor thing," He commented as we all walked into my apartment.

The place was a mess but I've had no time to clean. From looking after Scarlet to spending time with Lizzie I have had no time.

"Sorry about the mess," I said moving an empty bottle off the floor.

"Don't worry about it. When I had Dylan he would make loads of mess. Once he drew all over the  walls and-," She went to continue but Dyl cut her off.

"Enough of that," He sheepishly scratched his head.

"Just wait until I get out the baby photos," We laughed and chilled out for the rest of the afternoon.


The day after I got a call of the nurse.

"Hello is this parent of Scarlet," The woman on the phone asked.

"Um yes. I am,"

"Well I have gotten the DNA results back and it says her Mother is Brenda McLean,"

"And her father..." I trailed of waiting for an answer.

"And her father is Noah James,"


Sorry I haven't updated in agesss.

Plot twist 😅✨✨

I can't thankyou enough for all the views / comments and votes.

50.7k blew my mind and to be number 1 in Dylan O'Brien for like 4 months straight 😭

Anyway thankyou  loveliz96 for the support.

Thx  leileimaybank for votingggg

Comic ComOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora