Chapter 43: Emergency

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"Are you the family of Dylan O'brien?" A young lady asked us.

 I stood up instantly, "Yes, I'm his girlfriend," 

"I am one of the surgeons who operated on him. He had to have surgery on his brain as we found a bleed in the Broca's area of his brain- It effects the speech. We won't know if it worked until he wakes up. He also broke his am in two places," She explained with concerned eyes for us.

"Can we go and see him?" Tyler H wondered grabbing his coat ready to leave.

"We would useually say no because your not immediate family, however because his parents re in a different country you can," 

Phew, I couldn't cope not seeing him. We both thanked her and she showed us were to go. It was more of a private place, like T-pose, because of the state he was in and he was a celebrity. 

When we walked in I could hear the heatbeat monitor rythmatically bleeping. Dylan was asleep on a bed, wearing a gown which made him look so fragile. His skin was white as a ghost and he had needles coming out of both his arms and one of them had a cast on it. 

I rushed over to his side and put my hand on his cold one. Tyler said he would give us some privacy. Tears filled my eyes, this was all my fault. If I wasn't as stubborn or if I had a little more faith in him he wouldn't be in this posititon. 

A/n: Play the music @ the top now if you want too :)

The sergeon told me that he may be able to hear me so I could talk to him.   

"Hey Dylan it's Tòrres. I don't know if..if you can hear me or not but I love you and we can get through this. You can get through this. Just please, please hang on," My tears fell on his pale skin. All of a sudden I felt a squeeze from his hand," D-Dyl?"

His eye blinked open and now I was a sobbing mess. I put my head on the bed so he didn't see me. All the stress in me disappeared instantly. However, he tried to pull my head up and smiled weakly at me.

"I laug- lev lough," He tried to say but it didn't come out properly.

"I know Dyl, I love you too," But I didn't understand why he couldn't talk properly.

Then it hit me. Dylan had surgery on his brain; part of the brain that helps you talk. I grabbed the emergency button on his bed and pressed it twice. Loads of people wearing all different types scrubs entered. They asked what happened and I explained. They began rushing around and started wheeling him out.

"Where are you taking him!?" I was so flustered, what if he never speaks again?

"We need to operate now. This may be dangerous, to him not communicating properly ever again," A random person answered and my heart skipped a beat.

It happened all so fast. One second I was saying I loved him and the next he was being taken to major surgery.

I was back in the waiting room. Sitting in a corner, looking through all our old photos fom when we first met. I  came to one where me, T-pose, Addison and Dylan stood on the beach. Ty was squinting from the sun being in his eyes and Addi was laughing at him. My boyfriend had his arm around my waist kissing my cheek as I smiled ear to ear. 

Them days felt like a lifetime ago. 

My sleeve was all wet from crying and when Shelley walked out of her other friends room and saw me she ran over, "Are you okay? What happened to Dylan?"

"He- the nurse- Couldn't talk-," I stuttered, my thoughts going a hundred miles an hour.

"slow down girl. It's okay,"  She tried to calm me down but It wouldn't work.

"That's the whole problem he isn't going to be okay. He is in majoy sugery, when I went into him he woke up and he tried to say something to me but he couldn't. I told the staff and they took him into the operating theatre," I sighed putting my hands in my head. 

When me and Addi came here it was meant to be fun. It turned into the complete opposite. 


It had been one hour and forty-five minutes sincerely Dylan went off to emergency surgery.

I still couldn't get my head around what happened.

After a while, I decided to go and see T-pose.  The door was ajar so I just walked in.

Tyler smiled the best he could, "Hey Ari, any more news on Dyl?" He asked as he held Addison's hand.

I couldn't help, but be jealous of them. Even just sitting there holding each others hands made me feel sad, almost alone. It just showed how much Dylan
needed me and how much I needed him.


I decided to update early as my Christmas present to all of you lmao.

I hope u all had a merry Christmas 🎄✨

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