Chapter 23: Falling for him

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"Addison!" I shouted with my eyes wide.

She ran to me ,"What's wrong?" 

"He- I don't- My-," I stuttered with tears getting ready to splurge out at any second. I haven't seen my father in ages and I thought I never would talk to him again.

"Slow down sister, take a deep breath," I did as she said and calmed down.



"My Father is behind that door and I don't know what do to do," I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat and wiped off the newly formed layer off sweat on my forehead.

"What!? Okay... we could always just sneak out the window," Addi added smiling. I told her everything that happened and pretty much hates him more than I do.

 I nudged her arm, "Seriously what do I do?.. I am just gonna open the door. Can you stay behind one of the doors just in case I need you?" She nodded in response.

I took a deep breath and opened the white door, "Father,"

"Cariño Aria," His voice made the hairs on my spine stick up. Translation: My darling Aria

"What are you doing here?" I said sternly with a slight frown. Was this because I was finally getting somewhere in my life and he didn't like it?

"I saw you on the Jimmy Fallon show and I am so proud of you," He smiled slightly. Of course it was from the Jimmy Fallon show, hundreds of millions of people were probably watching me. 

"You only came to say how proud you are of me?" I stood there with my arms folded.

"Well.. I have something else important to tell you but-,"

 "Why can't you just tell me now?" I didn't have the patience to hear what he wanted to say.

"I have important news so please can you come to dinner with me at my house?"

I had no idea what to say, "I just need... time to think about it," 

"Of course, just let me know when your ready," He walked away and I just stood there. Addison came out when we could no longer hear his footsteps.

"Quella cagna! Hey, you okay?" She rubbed my back to make me feel better. Me and Addison were both Latinian,  we both spoke Spanish. Translation: That bi*ch. 

"Just shocked,"  We sat on the couch and she made me a hot chocolate with whipped cream. I thanked her and took it.

"Lets watch our favourite movie to try and forget about what just happened," Addi sat next to me and I put my head on her shoulder. She put on 21 jump street and closed one of the blinds because It was reflecting on the tv. I took a gulp of my drink and licked of the cream moustache i had.

Around halfway through the movie, I fell asleep. The front door opening woke me up but I couldn't be bothered to move so Addison got up and answered it. I heard a familiar voice.

"Hi Addi!" Dylan exclaimed.

"Shh, your girlfriend is asleep. But now your here I'm gonna go,"  She added grabbing her shoes and put them on.

"Okay, see you later," 

I heard the door shut and felt Dylan come over and sit next to me. With my eyes closed still, I snuggled into him as he put some random show on the tv.

"Dad, who was that in your car?"  I asked him as he walked through the door.

"No one cariño," He replied but I wasn't stupid, It was another woman. 

"By the way, You've got lipstick on your face," I walked off into my bedroom.

I heard my mom come down the stairs,"Miel, How was work?" 

"Good!" After small chit chat, he went upstairs and into my room, "if you say anything to your Mother I will tell her that you snuck out the other day," I felt a stinging sensation on my cheek, he had a slapped me.

I shot up holding my cheek with tears falling down my face.

"Torres? Are you okay? Nightmare?" Dylan looked at me with concern written on his face.

I just nodded and hid my face, I didn't want him to see me like that.

"Hey," He pulled my hands away from my face and looked at me ,"I think you are beautiful,"

He wiped my tears away with his thumb and looked at me in awe and that's when I knew.

I was falling for him.


Omg, I woke up this morning and saw I had over 4k view I literally can't believe it. Thankyou so much :) 

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