Chapter 47 - Boy

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Jungkook seemed to not lose his control.

The younger backed away from the older, he looked at the omega who seemed to be slightly disappointed.

"I- I will go and get freshened up", Jungkook stuttered out before dashing towards the bathroom leaving Taehyung alone.

The omega sighed loudly before he sat on the bed with his laptop, he went through his e-mails and replied the necessary ones.

Minutes passed by and Jungkook was out of the bathroom, he looked at Taehyung who was busy with his laptop wearing his glasses

It was very rare for Taehyung wearing his reading glasses, he didn't wore it until his eyes felt irritated by the laptop screen or phone screen.

Jungkook shook his head and walked towards the desk taking out the notes he had brought with himself, he widened his eyes seeing the bunch of papers. He sat ideal for a while until the motivation to start writing hit him.

His fingers were holding the pen and moving along the paper, he was basically coping down everything written not even bothering to actually read it. His gaze slightly flickered towards the Queen, before his attention was back on his assignments.

It was minutes later his gaze again flickered towards Taehyung who was scratching his collarbone, now one side of the robe had slipped down his shoulder and the omega didn't pay much attention to it.

And there Jungkook was literally staring at the strap that was showing, the dark blue colour was being the centre of attention with the slightly tanned skin making it a pleasurable view.

"Fuck", Jungkook literally moaned under his breath, his eyes never leaving the bare shoulder, his mind was already in places.

Oh, how beautiful would Taehyung look just in those erotic pieces of clothing without the robe covering anything.

The twitch in his sweatpants was enough for him to bring his focus back to his assignment, he exhaled trying to focus on his sheet rather than thinking about Taehyung.

He did think about Taehyung.

It was absolutely no use when he was already all hard, he closed his eyes in embarrassment, he couldn't believe that he got this turned on only looking at Taehyung.

Jungkook wanted to cry out his embarrassment when he knew that Taehyung had probably sniffed his arousal, he didn't even have the courage to glance back at the omega.

He tried to think about something else so his hardness would maybe be softened, but it was a organ of his body which worked on hormones, it doesn't actually work on his will as a result his hardness wasn't even softening a bit.

Jungkook groaned loud in frustration, he glared at his dick internally cursing his reproductive organ for being this horny bastard that couldn't control itself and wants to get out of his sweatpants.

The irony, no really.

Anyways, Jungkook laid his head on the desk, groaning again, the embarassment he was feeling had no limits at that moment, only if they weren't werewolves Jungkook would have easily hide his arousal, but unfortunately Jungkook can't change the fate and his scent of arousal was flooding around the room.

Taking a deep breath Jungkook got up from the chair and stomped his feet towards the bed and laid on the bed covering himself with the duvet, he didn't even glance at Taehyung who was sitting on the bed confused.

"Are you sleeping right now?", Taehyung questioned, looking down at the younger.

"Yes", Jungkook grunted and pulled the duvet over his head.

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