Chapter 51 - Glowing

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Eyes wide open with emptiness holding nothing but pure sadness, Taehyung almost forgot to blink his eyes until a cold breeze made it's way through his open window and made him blink his eyes momentarily.

He never knew how much empty his world was after his parents died, they were literally everything for him, even after years he still wails like a child over their death.

People usually find in fine when a person griefs over their love's death, there are people who ruin their life drowning themselves in all kinds of things that would make them forget about their dead love, finding someone grieving over their parents was rare to see.

Exhaling another puff of deep breath Taehyung tossed and turned around his bed for minutes but finally gave up trying to sleep, afterall his mate wasn't here with him.

Jungkook was with his parents because the of the rituals, the prince was supposed live in separate room and don't have any skin contact between them before they get married after the coronation ceremony of Jungkook being crowned as a King.

Previously Taehyung absolutely loved this ritual, the late King didn't even touch him for two weeks, he just had to hear those nasty talks and that made Taehyung shiver in disgust, he really hated how he remembers every single memory of the late King.

A piece of shit Kang Hansung was, Taehyung agrees this with his whole heart.

It was the last day of the month August, and the first day of Jungkook not having any skin contact with Taehyung.

Taehyung already missed Jungkook's touch on his skin, there were many times they would fool around, touch eachother and pleasure eachother but something that doubts the Queen is that Jungkook never kissed him.

The omega didn't question it though, he was rather happy that Jungkook was finally excepting the fact that he was the trueblood's mate and they are supposed to do such stuff.

He very well knows how Jungkook was respectful towards him, the trueblood never before had even glanced at him in any disrespectful way or lust. It was always admiration or love.

Now always being used to Jungkook being close to him he didn't even want to sleep in the coldness between his duvets.

Sighing Taehyung sat up, he climbed out of his bed and caught hold of his long woolly cardigan sweater and walked out of his room.

Walking through the silent hallways with only his pats of naked feet pattering against the cold marble floor.

His feet stopped right in front of the door, behind the door his mate was sleeping he inhaled a deep breath and opened the door, his eyebrows raised slightly seeing Jungkook wasn't alone in his room.

Jungkook's mother and father and cocooned their son in their embrace, Jungkook had his head near his mother's neck while the blue haired lady held her son close to her, Mr. Jeon had his one arm wrapped around both of them and one arm was under Jungkook's head.

The trueblood was looking like an innocent baby sleeping between his parents comfort and warmth, his arms brought close to his own chest enjoying the warmth around him.

Taehyung smiled and shook his head, he very well knew that Jungkook himself must have called his parents to sleep him with, the trueblood was a little baby in front of his parents even though he was a buff seventeen year old teenager.

'And our Alpha goes on daddy on us, remember when he didn't let you cum until you begged for it?'

V questioned through the mind link.

'Why do you always show up with your horny thoughts? Go away!'

'I'm you, you are me human'

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