Chapter 64 - Nothing

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"Fucking finally!" the purple haired man grunted looking the door he had opened which was on the ground leading into a secret tunnel, pushing his dark purple hair back so it doesn't fall over his vision he jumped into the hole and closed the door, blinking his eyes a few times he reached out his back pocket taking out a lighter and lighting it up.

Navigating along the tunnel, he touched the walls not wanting to bump into any as he bent down walking through the single lane, he didn't have any extra amount of time he needed to reach there as soon as he could.

He needed to fulfill his promise made to his son.

Kang Hajoon needed to get to his son as fast as he could, he sighed out loud partly in content seeing the metal ladder and without any further ado he started to climb it with no light source at all, but this isn't something he was doing for the first time.

Once his head slightly hit the the top he touched the ceiling feeling the cold metal before his fingers came into the contact with the button, he pushed the very button suffocating a bit before the door opened making him climb a few stairs down to open the door completely before he climbed on the top of it.

Taking deep breaths he first regulated his breathing before he walked in darkness his hand patting over the wall wanting to search for a light switch and finally he found it.

The sudden brightness that occurred made him squint his eyes blinking them a few times before his vision adjusted to the lighting and he looked around the room.

It was the store room but it wasn't his concern, he walked towards the door and pushed it reaching to his waist his fingers curling around the grip of his gun as he looked at extremely silent hallways.

The silence isn't something he expected, and his mind immediately flooded with scenarios he didn't want to jump into directly as he ran through the corridors towards the hall.

Breathing heavily he looked at the scene in the hallway with horror in his eyes, his limbs felt numb as he registered the whatever his eyes were witnessing.

It was just blood everywhere with dead bodies laying around.

But he did spot a figure dressed in black sitting in between the blood havoc around, he kept on staring at the figure until he noticed the the mint colored hair.

Wait, mint colored hair—


Upon hearing his name being called out Taehyung turned his head towards the stairs seeing a man standing, his grip tightened over the gun he was holding as the man seemed to run towards him.

"Oh my God, are you okay? Where is Jungkook?" Hajoon questioned as he advanced towards Taehyung seeing the omega point the gun at him.

"Are you here to die too?" Taehyung tilted his head his forefinger against the tigger almost ready to shoot, he waited seeing the man raise his hands up completely surrendering before him.

"Listen calm down, I'm Jungkook's biological father" Hajoon confessed seeing the omega who was literally bathed in blood tilt his head slightly, the blood was dried on his hair and around the face while his clothes looked almost clean because of the black colour he wore.

"What makes you think I trust you?" Taehyung questioned his voice void of any of tones as he kept his one hand busy holding the gun while his other hand was busy caressing his mate's face as his mate's head was laid on his lap.

"Jungkook has a white stone pendant hanging around his neck and a picture of his birth giver, he doesn't know his biological father's name... wait, has Jungkook even informed you about any of these?" Hajoon panicked as he saw Taehyung just stared at him with the grip on gun not loosening.

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