Chapter One Hundred Forty Four

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When Kang Wu arrived it was a bit embarrassing to get into the car

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When Kang Wu arrived it was a bit embarrassing to get into the car. Not because of the discussion me and Ba Wei had but because I could visibly see that Ba Wei was half hard. How he got that way really confuses me. I mean I did touch on him a lot but was that little stimulation enough for him?

I looked over at Ba Wei to see him staring down at his phone. I didn't even have to lean over to know what he was doing. I reached out one of my hands and nudged one of his. Almost immediately he switched hands so I can hold the other. I chuckled and squeezed his hand slightly drawing his attention.

"What," he asked?

"Nothing, you're just acting cute."

Ba Wei didn't say anything and just gave me a small smirk. I smiled and turned forward. Almost immediately as I turned forward I was met by Kang Wu's eyes in the review mirror. I cocked an eyebrow at him and he went back to watching the road. I swear the guy just doesn't like me for no reason.

"Hey," Ba Wei called out."


Ba Wei looked up at me, "not you. Him."

Kang Wu sighed, "yes young master?"

"Do you have an issue with my boyfriend?"

I was stunned at the sudden question he asked Kang Wu and judging by Kang Wu's silence so was he. I looked over at Ba Wei to see that he had went back to playing his game,

"Are you going to answer me?"

Kang Wu cleared his throat, "no."

He was silent for a minute before he sighed and closed his phone. His face was cold as he looked straight ahead. I was a bit uncomfortable with the atmosphere in the car but I didn't say anything.

"You obviously do judging by your answer," Ba Wei sighed out.

"Don't humor me," Kang Wu said almost nonchalantly. "Sure I had my guard up when you first brought him around but he's fine now."

"Kang Wu-"

"Ba Wei," he said cutting him off, "if I had an issue you'd know."

Ba Wei didn't say anything and just sighed. He went back to playing his game and I felt even more out of place than I already had. This drive is certainly going to be a long one even if it's a short one.


When we made it to the train station it was a bit busy. As we climbed out of the car Lang aww got out too to help us with bags. I looked his up and down almost unconsciously, and with that Initial scan I noticed a large bandage on his arm.

"Hey, what happened to your arm," I asked before I could stop myself?

Both abs Wei and Kang Wu seemed surprised by my question. Hell, even I was. I was mentally face palming myself when Kang Wu answered.

"Same ole thing. Got into a fight and the guy had a knife."

"It isn't that deep is it?"

If you asked me why I was slightly concerned about this person I couldn't give you an answer. All I knew is that I could tell that Ba Wei wanted us to get along so to make him happy I will try. Even though I wish I didn't have to,

"'s not that deep. It just nicked me."

I nodded and grabbed don't bag from the trunk of the car. None of us said anything as we walked up to board the train. Getting to this final stage was hell. The process of boarding was much like one of a plane which was surprising for me. This was my first tim riding on a train, but would I tell Ba Wei that? I would not.

As we stepped into the train, Kang Wu did a deep bow and bid his farewell.

"Have a safe trip young masters."

I quickly returned the bow and so did Ba Wei and we watched as he turned to leave. It's really happening...I'm about to go back home. Back to where everything happened. Why do I have a bad feeling.

I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head and walked down the isle. I looked behind me to see Ba Wei scanning the area and I'm guessing he was looking for our seats. I just kept walking until he tugged on my to stop. He grabbed my bag and started to put them up. I sat down in the window seat and he sat down right beside me.

"You know not that I'm thinking about it. Why didn't you just book a flight?"

He glanced over at me and then took my hand in his, "I want to spend more time with you."

"What do you mean? We'll be together the entire time."

"I know but when you get back to your home town, you're going to be busy."

As he said that his voice seemed so light. I studied his expression and even though it was cold I could tell he seemed worried.

I squeezed his hand, "I will be busy yes but I wouldn't be so busy that I forgot about you."

He chuckled, "I know you wouldn't but I know going back to a place where you don't want to us stressful and-"

"I'm fine," I said cutting him off. "I might not want to go, and I might be a little afraid but I assure you that nothing in that city will make me not pay attention to you."

He sighed and brought my hand up to his lips and placed a light kiss on it. If I was being honest seeing Ba Wei worried was a bit unsettling and adorable. He was afraid I'd be too busy to pay attention to him. How cute.

"It's so uncool of me to think like this."

I chuckled, "no, it's cute. Do it more."

"It's not. It's very embarrassing. Doesn't fit my personality at all," he argued.

I gave him a beaming smile, "that's what makes it so cute."

He stared at me for a few seconds before he leaned in and kissed me. I was a bit surprised but still kissed him back.

"What was-"

"You're just to cute I couldn't help it," he said cutting me off.

I felt my face heat up and I quickly turned my face away from him. This pulled a chuckle from him. He let go of my hand and began to run his fingers through my hair.

"Why are you hiding?"

"I'm not."

"Look at me then."

I didn't say anything and just stared out the window. I knew what he was trying to do and I fell right into his trap. Goddamnit. With a inner sigh I turned to face him with a slightly red face. Ba Wei seemed amused by this but didn't say anything and just kissed me again.

"So cute."

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