Chapter Fifty-Nine

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I don't know what I thought would happen after I said that, but it wasn't what happened

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I don't know what I thought would happen after I said that, but it wasn't what happened. The room was silent, and although I was looking at Ba Wei he wasn't looking at me. As the time passed of neither of us saying anything I wished that I would've left my mouth shut. It was already awkward, and now it was even more awkward.

"Um," I started, "that probably sounded weird."

"No." Ba Wei finally looked up at me, and seeing his normal expressionless face sent a sense of relief over my body.

"Okay, I just-"

"Look, let's just go to bed." he said cutting me off.  I didn't say anything and just nodded. "I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Are you not going to to eat," I asked softly?

"No. Just throw the ramen in the microwave out. There's another thing in the bag."

Before I could say anything in return he had already disappeared into the bathroom. I ran a hand through my hair and walked over to the couch. When I flopped down on it I felt weird. We argued. I didn't think it was possible to argue about something so stupid. That argument would've never happened if I wasn't so sensitive.

I know I lie with a straight face but he acts like I could lie to him. He knows that I can't because I have failed to do so since I met him. He can read me like a book, yet he took such a sharp jab at me. Wait...why am I talking as if we're in a relationship? My face turned beet red, and my eyes widened. Why did that suddenly cross my mind? It's not like we are in a relationship; are we?

I looked over at the bathroom door while contemplating that question. I had told him that I liked him, and he seemed to like me to. We did do that today, but that's not usually how relationships start off; at least not for me. I thought about that question and only one thing crossed my mine. I wouldn't mind it if we were to get in a relationship.


When Ba Wei came out of the bathroom he had a towel wrapped tightly around his waist. I looked him up and down and I couldn't help but to kind of drool over his body. His body looked rock hard and just glancing at his v-line made think about the power that he most definitely held in his hips. That's a weird thought.

After glancing over him I looked up at his face, and his face was how it usually was. I expected him to say something, but he didn't. Instead he walked right past me into the bedroom. I cocked an eyebrow and got up from the sofa. I know we had a rather heated argument but If I don't apologize the atmosphere will stay like this.

I walked over and entered the bedroom and I froze. His back was to me, and I wish I could say that the shock on my body was a good thing but it wasn't. His back was covered in deep purple bruises. It mad my heart ache just looking at them. I know he's prone to fighting but they are even worse than the ones I use to get.

"Ba Wei, "I said softly.

He turned around, "Huh? How long have you been standing there?"

I didn't say anything and just walked over to him. He looked confused as I approached him, but when I stopped and I started to reach my hand out he seemed to realize what I was about to do. He grabbed my hand before I could touch him and he sighed.

"It's nothing."

"That's not nothing. You're whole back is covered in them. How did you-"

"I said it was nothing, so just stop fussing."

He dropped my hand and turned and put on his shirt. I stared at him and I could feel the anger begin to rise. I get that he was probably still angry at me, but seeing him covered in bruises only made me worry. I sat down on the bed and this seemed to catch Ba Wei's attention.

"Do you want a shirt?"

"Sure," I replied awkwardly.

He walked around to the closet and pulled out a shirt. He tossed it on the bed and I was going to say thank you, but he left right after. I grabbed the shirt and brought it up to my  nose. I took in a deep breath. It smells like him. It was a weird thought, but I couldn't help but relax a bit. I sighed and pulled the shirt over my head. Just apologize already. I got up from the bed and walked back into the living room. Ba Wei was standing in front of the Tv. I walked to back of the couch and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." Ba Wei looked back at me but didn't say anything. "I over reacted."

"It's fine. I was the one who initiated the argument anyway. It was dumb."

I chuckled, "It was wasn't it."

A smile spread across Ba Wei's face and seeing it made my heart melt. Why do I like him so much? Why him? Why does his smile make me happy?

"Well, we should probably go to bed." I nodded, and Ba Wei started walking In my direction. "Do you want the bed or the futon?"

"It doesn't matter to me. I'm fine with either."

He nodded as he passed me and disappeared into the bedroom. As I heard him shuffling around I realized that I should've just taken the futon since It's his house. It would be rude to have him sleep on the floor.

"Ji nan."

Upon hearing my name I turned and made my way into the bedroom. When I entered I noticed that the slender space beside the bed was now taken up by a futon with a red blanket lying on top of it. I could tell that it wasn't new but it still seemed like it would be rather comfortable.

"I'll take the futon," I said.

Ba Wei cocked an eyebrow, "You sure. I was going to give you the bed."

"Yeah it's fine. I'm not picky on where I sleep."

"okay," He said as he climbed into bed. "Turn off the lights would ya."

I nodded and cut off the lights. The room was dark but not pitch black. I used what was left of light to find my way into the futon. When my body hit the cushions I felt relief rush over me. I pulled the blanket up to my neck nose and closed my eyes.

Even though I seemed very energized, I was exhausted. From what happened with my father, to the tiny argument with Ba Wei; all my energy was drained. It didn't take much for my body to fall asleep, and I didn't fight it.

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