The Walk

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We were barely out the door when Kate turned to me.

"Where are we going, tell me or I'm going back in," her dark blue eyes staring into mine, making me lose my train of thought. "Hello?? (L/N)??" I snap back to reality when her hand waves in front of my face.

"You see, you could do that; if you had your key." she frantically checks her pockets as I reach into mine and pull out her keys, the lego Hawkeye figure I got her dangling from her keychain.

"You bitch!-" she says before I link my arm into hers, and drag her away from the apartment building doors. 

"(Y/N), where are we going," she tries to stop, but I continue dragging her along, almost making her fall a few times.

"To be completely honest with you, I don't know. I am kinda hungry though," I reach into my jeans back pocket, and pull out a pair of round gray-framed glasses. Putting them on, I squint my eyes and look ahead of us, waiting for the glasses to shoot ahead and show me the restaurants on the next street over. "Damn it-they're broken again," I put them back into my pocket, and sigh out of anger.

"Calm yourself, I can just google it, dumbass," Kate pulls out her phone, managing to type with one hand unreasonably fast. "How about Pepé's?" 

"The pizza place?...that serves eggs on their pizza," the confusion on my face turned to disgust as the memory sunk in. Kate and I met for the first time there, and she offered me a slice, which I took and innocently took a bite of. Obviously, I spit it out and almost blew chunks. A grin grew on Kate's face when she noticed the disgusted look on mine. "But isn't that place like 10 blocks away? Kate, it's fucking freezing out here."

"Well well well, look who's cold now," she says as she unlinks her arm from mine and begins unbuttoning her jacket.

"Kate no then you'll be freez-" I try to protest before she can get it fully off.

"No, you're taking this 'stupid jacket' and you're putting it on," she pulls her arms out of the sleeves and holds it out to me. I want to protest but it won't do me any use. I slide my arms into the sleeves, a bit long on my arms, but I roll them up and button the jacket. Doing up the last button, I look up and see she had been staring at me the whole time. 

"It's a bit big," I hold my arms out to show the excess fabric drooping at the end. Apparently, Katherine cannot control her laughter. Ever.

"A bit big? That's an understatement, (L/N). Where's my phone, I need a picture of this-" All of a sudden Kate's face is 2 inches away from mine, her dark eyes looking down at her hands, searching the pockets for her phone. "Found it-" her eyes jerked up and met mine. Her expression softened, it was like she was just, smiling at me. I had never seen her like this before-"Well, uh, anyways, we should get going. It's gonna be a long walk, right?" she interrupted my thoughts, but that didn't mean they stopped. She linked her arm back into mine, now she was dragging me along. 

My mind wandered as we continued on, block after block. Why had I never seen her like that before? What was that feeling she had on her face? It felt so obvious, but also so... hidden. Was it the same feeling I felt-that weird fluttering feeling that I got in my stomach? My face burned scarlet at just the thought of it.

"Jesus-are you really that cold?" 


"Your face is burning red, (Y/N)," Kate's face looked concerned as she stopped and examined my tomato-looking face.

"No, I just, uhm, I just have a small cold, it's okay, really-"

"Then why are we out this late? We should go home-" Kate's face switched between frustration and concern, "why would you even go out if you knew you were sick?"

"Look, Katie, we're already this far, why turn back now?" I put my hand out for her to grab, but she turns and begins walking again. "Who pissed in your cheerios.." I mutter under my breath. Sticking my hand back into my pocket.

"What was that, (L/N)?" Kate doesn't even turn around, she's pissed, and I caused it. A minute ago we were staring into each other's eyes, two inches away from each other. Now we're fighting. Again. I ran up behind her to catch up. Out of breath, I notice the sign up ahead. "Pepé's" it read.  Still panting trying to catch my breath, I walked faster so I'm ahead of Kate. I made sure I was the first to reach the door, Kate had to appreciate a gentleman, right? I got to the door and yanked it open, it was heavy as hell. This egg pizza better be ah-fucking-mazing. I straightened up as Kate reached the door. She looked like she just ate a shit sandwich as she looked me up and down and muttered, 


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