Kitchen Island

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"Let me get this straight. You and Doctor Strange were friends, and you almost broke the multiverse, so he made everyone forget about you?" Kate kept her pace better than Peter and I, but she looked back as she asked her questions.

"The fucking multiverse is real?" I get out in between breaths. Kate really was walking fast. "Wait, where are we going?"

"Back to the apartment dipshit. We were best friends with this kid and then we just forgot about him for six months, we have some catching up to do!" Kate smiled at Peter and turned back around, not slowing her pace despite Peter and I's heavy breathing.

"Why don't we let him speak, hm?" I look over at Peter, who just smiles and shakes his head trying to change the subject. "Damn, nothing?" I could see Kate scolding me from the corner of my eye. "If looks could kill, Katie."

"Don't call me Katie, (Y/N)," she muttered back. She looked ahead pretending she didn't say anything.

Time skip brought to you by Thanos!

I unlocked the front door, letting Katie and Peter in first, then closing and locking it behind us. We didn't know where Yelena was, or if she wanted her glasses back. Despite being on the run from a trained assassin, we had a friend to catch up with. 

"Can I get you anything, Peter? Water? Soda?...Vodka?" I asked, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge.

"(Y/N)." I hear a not-so-entertained voice come from behind me. 

"Yes, Katherine?" I turn around, raising my eyebrows and holding the bottle of vodka.

"I'm-no, I'm okay, thank you," Peter says, laughing nervously and sitting at the kitchen island.

"Alright," I say, setting the bottle on the counter next to the stove and turning to the two sitting on the other side of the table. "So, where should we start? Got any friends or family in the city, Peter? A girlfriend?... Boyfriend?" I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the table.

"(Y/N)! He just explained the entire situation why would you-" 

"No no Kate it's fine. Uh... family, no. Friends, none that remember me. Girlfriend, not technically, but the situation's getting better. What about you guys? I mean, I know the family situation but any boyfriends?" He glanced at Kate, whose eyes flickered up to mine for a tenth of a second. "Or girlfriends... that's cool too!"

Neither of us answered. I figured we were both thinking the same thing; what were we? I mean, we had fucked, we'd kissed in the rain, I wear her jacket all the time, but right now doesn't seem like the proper time to ask, considering she just found out I hired someone to kill her best friend. 

Friends with benefits?

"No, no boyfriends, or girlfriends," Kate finally spoke up. 

"Me either. So, anything else changed, Peter?" 

"Well, I've moved apartments, I live a few blocks over from here now. Oh! I got a cat!-Well, I found him out by the road and he didn't have a collar so I took him in-his name's S'mores!"

Kate and I exchanged concerned glances. This kid was one of the most known superheroes, he was living his best life, now he lives in an apartment with a stray cat. He was probably crazy.

"That's wonderful, Peter!" Kate said, smiling and turning away towards the fridge to hide her concern. 

We sat in silence for a moment, until we were interrupted by my phone ringing.

Unknown Caller ID

Kate looked back over her shoulder at the phone, following her gaze and taking it from my hand and answering it on speaker.

"Hello?" Kate set the phone down on the table, so Peter felt he was involved too.

"(Y/N)? Listen-it's Nat. I don't have a ton of time but you need to know Yelena isn't going to give up on killing Clint. You need to hide him or get out of New York. Bye, I guess." 

I barely noticed Nat hanging up the phone. All I saw was Kate looking at me with tears in her eyes, the most hopeless I'd ever seen her.

"Peter, why don't you uh, go to-" I looked over at him. He looked like he didn't want to hear that phone call more than both of us.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." He stood up, looking down the hall and back at me.

"Last door on your left," I smiled softly and then turned back to Katie, pulling her into a hug. "Katie, I'm so sorry." I felt the tears start to fall from her cheeks and onto my shirt. "I'll take care of Yelena alone. I started this, you and Clint shouldn't have to suffer. If she wants someone's life, she can have mine." I felt Kate's grip tighten as she began to breathe through the tears.

"(Y/N), I'm not..." her grip loosened as her breath started to regulate once again. "I'm not losing you, not now."

"Does that mean..." I started to pull away from her grasp.

"(Y/N), if you're gonna make a joke, shut up," she said, pulling me back into a hug. I could still feel her smiling slightly. 

"I love you, Katie," I muttered.

"What was that?" 


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