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I apologize this chapter is really short but I haven't updated this in quite some time and wanted to at least add something-Enjoy :)

Clint was gonna be home in 3 days, and Kate and I were pissed at each other. Well, she was pissed at me. I couldn't see why. She was the one who had a secret boyfriend. This was all her fault.

I shook the thoughts of Kate out of my head and put my attention back to the dishes. It was her day to do it, but she walked out the door and hadn't come back all day. There I was, thinking about her again. I laughed and looked down at the purple soap covering my hands and the dishes under them. I grabbed the striped dishtowel and dried my now-stained purple hands. I told Clint that the Hawkeye dish soap would do more harm than good. 

The door opened, making me jump and turn to it as if it would be anyone else other than Katie the grouch. She closed the door behind her, snapping her head up to match my eye contact. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out when I see the look on her face. I can't tell if she's about to burst out crying or if she's about to kick my ass. Probably both. 

"We need to talk," she sighs and walks over to the kitchen island, setting herself on a stool and sitting up straighter than usual. 

"About?" I turn around and look at her innocently, still trying to get the purple off my hands.

"You know what about, (L/N). The redhead?" 

"What about her?" I lose the innocent look and set the towel down.

"You're using her to get back at me, whether you realize it or not. You're being a bitch and I'm not going to give you any more chances," she looks pissed, and honestly, it's terrifying. I don't let her see that though, I give her back the same look she gives me.

"I'm sorry," I try and fail to hold in my condescending laughter. "You're not giving me any more chances? You being the one who kissed me, and almost fucked me while she still had a boyfriend?" I knew I was getting loud when I watched her eyes go from mine to her hands on the table. I followed her gaze to them and noticed her fidgeting with them.

"I'm sorry," she mutters under her breath, still not meeting my gaze.

"I'm sure you are," I start walking away into the hall, trying to ignore her eyes still following me.

"Wait, (Y/N)-" she stops me, "I fixed these for you," I turn to see her holding out my glasses, one of the only things that made me "super" or unlike any normal person on the street. "I know you felt insecure without them-"

"I'm not insecure," I interrupt, taking my glasses from her and putting them on. "Thanks, Katie," and with that word, that one nickname, I saw her smile. It felt like it was the brightest smile I've ever seen. It lit up her entire face. It made me want to-

"So, uh, do you wanna watch a documentary on Captain America with me?" she walked over to the couch, looking back at me waiting for me to follow.

"Didn't you just watch that a few days ago?" I follow her over to the green couch and sit down.

"Yes, but when you watch something a second time you notice things you didn't notice the first time," she grabbed the remote and sat down next to me. 

"I'll watch it but I'm not-" my take on the dumb documentary was interrupted by a phone ringing. I reached back into my pocket and grabbed my vibrating phone. "Start it without me," I look at Kate and stand up, walking into the hallway. "Hello?" 

"Hey, stranger,"

"Oh-hey Nat, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out this afternoon, maybe catch a movie or something, around 3?" I check my watch, 1:45. 

"Well, I was kind of watching a-" 

"I totally understand if you're doing something, just thought I'd ask," I could feel her excitement drain through the phone. 

"No-of course, I'd love to, you can pick the movie, and dinner on me after," 

"Great, see you at 3," 

"See you," I hang up the phone and walk back out into the living room, looking at Kate and the look of somewhat betrayal on her face. "You didn't start the movie yet?" I laugh and sit back down next to her.

"We won't have time to finish it, it's 3 hours," she gets up and heads into the kitchen.

"Well we can always watch some now and the rest later, right?-" I follow her, realizing I dug myself into a hole again. She was going to start sad baking again, and when she sad-baked, she really sad-baked.

"No no, it's fine. Go get ready for your date".

Try-hard (Kate Bishop x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ