The Bar

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We had eaten dinner in silence, and then sat in our rooms silently-well, not Clint, he sat on the couch, watching the news. The only reason I knew he was was because he always turned the TV all the way up-deaf bitch. Frantically checking the time every 5 minutes, I paced around my room, wondering what could happen. Maybe it was a trap, was it? What if they kidnapped me again and couldn't find me because stupid Clint destroyed my stupid glasses and they had the stupid tracker in them. I don't think Nat would do that again... would she? She seemed sincere on the phone-well, what I could hear. For all I know, Yelena could've been holding up papers telling her what to say. My thoughts came to a halt as my bedroom door opened, letting light into my dark room.

"Thanks for knocking," I stop moving and look up.

"Thanks for almost getting me killed," Clint smiles and looks around, "why aren't you in bed yet? It's 12:15?"

"Because I'm not a child, Clint," 

"You're 21, that's basically 9, close that window, it's cold, then go to bed, goodnight," he turned around, closing the door behind him. I watched the door until the knob went silent. That was my cue. Quickly, I assembled my things, bag, weapon (rope and a gun, just in case), and cash. I walked over to the open0 window, the cold air hitting my skin. Fuck, jacket. I grabbed the checkered knee-length jacket off my bed, slipping it on and climbing out the window. I looked back at the door, making sure it was still shut. Trying to remain quiet, I closed the window climbed down the fire escape. 

My heart was already pounding, and I felt weird. I was only a block or so away from the apartment, and I had done worse than this before, but it just felt... different. My backpack felt heavier, and I suddenly realized how itchy this coat felt. None of my coats were itchy... shit. I had taken Katie's coat. Wait. Why was her coat on my bed? Fuck it, I was already wearing it. I looked back up and ran into a blonde woman, much taller than me. 


"сука-oh, it's you," I looked up a bit more, realizing I had run into Yelena. "Natalia, your girlfriend's here," Yelena rolled her eyes and walked into the bar. 

"Not my girlfriend-" Nat called after her, then looking at me. "(Y/N), hi, glad we got the right place," she smiled softly like she always did, but for some reason, my stomach didn't flutter like it always did. 

"Me too, shall we go in?" I jump forward to grab the door, holding it for her then following behind. I followed her to the booth where Yelena already was. I sat alone, across from the two. Yelena was on the inside and Nat on the outside. Probably best, it would be harder for Yelena to stab me. I wasn't too worried about Nat-she seemed civil, nice, really. Yelena however, hadn't taken her eyes off me the entire time, even when we ordered drinks. 

"So, let's talk about why we're here," Nat said, taking a sip of her drink. 

"Yes, please-" I set my drink down too, trying to avoid Yelena's stare.

"Lena, stop staring at (Y/N) like she has fifteen heads," Nat mutters, thinking I can't hear her. Yelena took a deep breath, bringing her glass to her lips, but not taking a sip. Now I was staring at her. 

"Can I help you?" her thick Russian accent makes me jump in my seat. Apparently, my fear is funny to her because she actually starts to laugh. 

"Well, glad to see you happy, because you still don't know why we're here," I say, looking to Nat to finish my sentence.

"Oh-yes, Lena, we're here because (Y/N) wants to get rid of Clint," Nat straightens up, looking proud. 

"get rid of?" Yelena sets down her glass, raising her eyebrows. 

"Kill," I whisper while keeping my eyes on her.

"I know what you mean, тупица" I didn't appreciate being what I assumed was verbally assaulted in a language I didn't understand, but I didn't comment on it.

"Okay, well, can you help?-Well I mean, obviously you can help, you're a black widow assassin, you could kill me with one hit," I sounded like an idiot, I know I did, but I was trying to get on Yelena's good side. I looked up from the table and saw her laughing again, a good sign, I hope. I reached for my glass, taking a sip and waiting for her response. "...So-"

"I'll kill Barton, sure, what about Kate Bishop?" she raised her eyebrow.

"No no, don't hurt Katie, just Clint," 

"Will I be receiving any compensation for this?" she set down her now empty glass. Her eyes felt like they were burning holes in my torso, making it impossible to breathe.

"I mean, you do want to kill Clint, don't you?" Nat looks over to her, now raising her eyebrows.

"Yes I suppose so, just be nice to get some reward for doing so," Yelena muttered, inspecting her fingernails.

"Nonsense, we can figure something out," I straighten up and glance at Nat, then back to Yelena, smiling. 

"And that something will be?" Yelena interrupts.

"Well, your friendship and deleting of Clint Barton, in return for avengers level weapons," Yelena's mouth dropped slightly at the last part. Confidently, I folded my hands, setting them on the table and smiling once again. I reach my hand out to shake hers, "do we have a deal, Yelena?"

"Call me Lena."

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