The Bar Part II

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"Kate, why don't you go grab the drinks?" I turned my head back towards her, faking my smile. She took the hint and walked off towards the bar, while I sat down across from the blonde who was trying to break my life.

"So, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), how are things? How's Barton? I see you got my message, and I appreciated your response," she smiled as if she wasn't implying I gave her the OK to murder someone. I guess her being a trained assassin took away from the guilt of it. 

"I-yes, I did. I think I understand most of the terms, but let me get this straight, you're going to kidnap him then murder him or just leave him dead in the apartment?" 

"Oh, kidnap him first, of course, I don't want Katherine to find him and send her revenger friends after me-that isn't what you are going to do, right?" she raised an eyebrow, tensing up. I could tell my response was going to decide whether I walked out of here alive or not.

"No, of course not. But, do me a favor, don't let Katie find out about this,"

"Don't let me find out about what?" Kate smiled at me, setting three glasses down on the table. It was obvious she didn't hear any of the conversation beforehand because if she had I'd be dead on the table.

"Just that I'd already been drinking before you two got here, so you'd get me another," Yelena smiled, winking at Kate and taking her glass. Kate smiled back awkwardly and slid down into the spot in the booth next to me, getting closer than I would've thought. "So," Yelena took a sip of her drink, "(Y/L/N), how are the glasses?" 

"Oh-they're great, really, thank you," I said, taking the glasses off and looking at them. "they're even better than they were before."

"Well I would hope so, I added about $15,000 worth of technology tidbits to them," Yelena had already drained her glass, and was just drinking the foam from the bottom now. 

"$15,000? No way-I have to pay you back for-"

"Don't be stupid, (Y/L/N), it's not like I paid for the technology," she retorted. "I'm going to go get a refill, you two want anything?" she glanced at Kate and then back at me, eyebrows raised.

"No, thank you," Kate smiled. Neither of us had even touched our drinks yet.

The blonde stood up, walking off to the bar and striking up a conversation with a random while she waited for her refill. I looked at Kate, then back at my glass, letting out a sigh I didn't realize I had been holding in.

"She's..." Kate started.

"A lot?" I spit out before chugging my entire glass. I set the cup down, wiping my mouth with my sleeve and breathing a little heavier.

"(Y/N)! You do not need to get drunk again," Kate cocked her eyebrow at me. I opened my mouth to argue but as I scanned her face I realized I couldn't. There was just something about her that stopped me. I hadn't realized we were staring at each other until we were rudely interrupted. 

"Children, children, stop flirting and talk to your company," Yelena said, sliding her glass down onto the table and plopping down in her seat. I heard Kate mumble something next to me, but couldn't quite make it out. 

"So, Yelena, I have a question about the glasses. Could they track someone?" I folded my hands on the table, looking at her while she took another sip of her drink.

"Yes, I suppose so, only from my technology though, nowhere else, why?" she raised an eyebrow, setting her glass down.

I glanced over at Kate, noticing she was focused on some sort of archery tournament on TV. "Could they track Clint if I gave them to him?" I whispered, leaning towards Yelena.

"-Why would you want to track Clint?" Shit. I fucked up the plan. The one rule. Don't let Kate find out.

"I-uhm, for when he goes on missions, so that we know where he is..." I kept my eyes on the table, I couldn't lie to her face like that. I closed my eyes for a second, hoping she bought it.

"Actually, that's a good idea. I always get worried about him because he can't have his phone on him," she turned back towards the two of us, her attention now only on us. Fuck, I thought. Now we couldn't even whisper the plan out. "But don't you hate Clint?" Kate tilted her head at Yelena. Bluntness was never her best quality.

"Well, (Y/N) has done me some favours, for which I will be in debt to for a long time. So I may as well start paying them off," Yelena shot Kate a fake smile, taking another long sip of her drink.

"Kate, let's go get another round," I looked at her, giving my best calm 'we need to get the fuck out of here' look. She got the gist and nodded, getting up and following me to the other side of the bar where Yelena couldn't see us. 

We slipped out through the emergency exit, careful to not make a sound when we closed the door. "Good god, (Y/N), did you have to stop and get a drink? You almost got us killed!" Kate started yelling as soon as the door shut. 

"Katie, we're not even out of the ally yet, give me a second," I kept my head straight, walking out of the dark and onto the bright street. 

"Don't 'Katie' me, (Y/N), you're lying straight to my face! I know you don't want to use that technology for Clint's safety," she was getting louder now, and I stopped in my tracks, waiting for her voice to sound closer. I turned around to face her, only to realize she hadn't moved.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about-what are you and that... that bitch planning to do to Clint," the door opened behind her, slamming shut.

"Who are you calling a bitch?"

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