Dark Blue Drink

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Hi everyone! I just wanted to give a quick update on changing schedules. I have a feeling I'm going to be very busy these next couple of weeks so I may have to change updates to every 4 days or every weekend instead of every other day. I'll try to keep my normal schedule-thank you for reading! Enjoy!

I stumbled into the dark apartment, Katie following close behind me. We had stopped at a bar on the way home, and I tried this drink-what was it...-Well I know it was dark blue, and I loveeee dark blue. But now we were home because the bar had closed, and I was sad, cause "blue drink had to go bye-bye", at least, that's what Katie said.

"Why is the floor swirling" I manage to get out, stumbling and falling onto the couch.

"Because you're drunk as a skunk," Katie said, laughing. I loved her laugh, I never told her though. I stared at her from the couch. She was setting her stuff on the counter. "Hey let me get that jacket off you-it's soaking wet," she walked over to the couch and motioned for me to get up.

"I'm already soaked, so are you," I pout at her, "I'm keeping it on," I knew she was giving me a look, but my vision was too blurred to see it.

"Fine then, but get up and go to your own bed, I promise you it's a lot more comfortable than the couch," Katie picked me up like I was a box of crayons and carried me just-married style to my room. I hung my head back and enjoyed the upside-down view of the hallway. 

"Do I have to go to sleep" I groan as she sets me down on my plaid comforters.

"You don't have to sleep, but I recommend you lay here for 4-9 hours, (L/N)," I looked up at her from the bed, still pouting. 

"Fine, but you're coming with me-" I grab the collar of her shirt and pull her down into the bed with me and begin kissing her again. Her Tito's-tasting lips kissed back for a minute, but she pulled away at one point. "What? Does my breath smell bad?" I giggle and turn towards her.

"No-it's just..." 

"That I'm 60% alcohol at the moment?" I interject.

"Yeah... uh, we'll talk about this in the morning," she got up awkwardly and headed for the door.


"Yes?" she turned back and for once I wasn't speechless when I noticed her dark blue eyes staring back at mine.

"Thank you for the jacket," I smile at her and notice her smile back isn't as soft as it usually was. I may be drunk, but not drunk enough to not notice a problem.   

Time skip brought to you by Thanos once again! 


Fuckkk me. I turned over and slammed the alarm clock's snooze button. I groaned and sat up only to notice my pounding headache and soaking wet bed. "Son of a bitch.. was I so drunk I wet the bed?" I said aloud. 

"Nope! You were just a bitch last night and wouldn't let me take the 'stupid jacket' off you" I hear a voice call from the end of the hallway. My door was open, had she left it open last night? I couldn't remember nor could I try to over the pounding in my head.

"Hey, I've got a good idea, let's not yell for the next year," I rub my temples. All of a sudden Kate's in my doorway, holding a glass of water and a plate with something yellow on it-fuck. Eggs. I was too hungover to make my own breakfast so I had to deal with Ms. Bishop's burnt eggs. At least she added ibuprofen on the plate. That'd numb this stupid headache so the only annoying thing I'd have to deal with this morning was her supposedly yellow eggs.

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