Ch. 6

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When you woke up the next morning, you couldn't help but smile and just be happy! "What's got you acting so joyful?" your brother asked with a curious look. "Oh~" you started, "It's nothing," you said with a smirk. "Okay then-" Carlos said, "I'm throwing another party tonight, if you want to be there, be there if not, tell me first," he said in a serious tone. "Okay, okay. Jeez," you said, rolling your eyes. "Well I'm gonna go out, see you later Carlos!" you shouted by the door with a basket in your hands, you had to go to the market to make food for Carlos's party. Since he doesn't know how to cook well, you're the one that has to cook most of the time. "Okay be careful!" Carlos shouted before you left the house.

You were at the market buying fruit when you heard a familiar British voice say, "hello."You turned to see that your guess was right, it was Erin. "Hey Erin," you said while turning back to grab a couple of apples. "How have you been princess?" he asked with a smirk, you realized there was something a bit off in his voice. "Alright, you can cut the act now Camilo," you said, only hoping your assumption was right. Who you thought was Erin shift back into Camilo. "How did you know it was me?!" he asked with a bit of pout. "I don't know, probably just a lucky guess," you said with a smirk while paying for the fruit. Once you turned to see Camilo, you jumped at how close his face was to yours. You blushed a bit as you smirked and pushed his face out of yours, "I missed you too," you said as you laughed. Camilo laughed with you. "Mind if I join you on your little shopping trip?" he asked. "Go right ahead," you said as you smirked, "I'm going to need someone to help me carry everything." you and Camilo both chuckled.

After you and Camilo got to your house after your shopping trip, you both heard a very loud, "Nothings wrong!" you both looked at each other, a bit frightened. "It's probably nothing," Camilo said with a nervous smile. "Yeah," you said as you nodded. "Thanks for the help, Camilo," you said with a smile. "It's no problem!" he said, "I'm always happy to help," he said as he smiled. You giggled a bit and kissed him on the cheek again as a thank you. Once you saw his shocked look, you realized what you had just done, "Oh! I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" you started almost completely red. "No! No, it's okay, I like it," he said with a smirk as he winked. "You suck," you said jokingly as you rolled your eyes. Camilo put a hand on his chest, pretending to be hurt by what you said, "how could you say that to me?" he asked jokingly. You both shared a laugh. "Well, maybe I'll see you later," you said as you smiled gently. "You have a beautiful smile," Camilo said. You blushed a bit more, "Thanks." you said as you waved and went inside. After you closed the door, you leaned against it. That was when you knew. You were in love.

Author's note: Heeeey! I don't really have much to say this time, I really enjoyed making this chapter, I like to listen to the Encanto soundtrack while I write so I have a lot of fun, lol. (Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors!)

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