Ch. 8

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After you and Mirabel escaped the room full of sand, you both rushed to Mirabel's room but she ran into her Abuela. "Where are you coming from in such a hurry?" she asked while dusting sand off of her dress. Mirabel started to stammer but Alma interrupted her, "and what is in your hair?" she asked you, you had a slight panic and dusted the sand out of your hair. As you opened your mouth to say something, you all heard some frantic shouting, "My gift! I'm losing my gift!" It was Luisa. 'She was losing her gift?! Was she the one that I heard yell earlier?' You were scared as she started to explain. You could hardly understand what she was saying because she was crying and talking fast, but what you gained from it was not good. "And when I went to throw the donkeys in the barn, they were..." Luisa paused as if what she was going to say would make her weak, "Heavy!" she yelled, then she ran to her room crying. Alma looked at Mirabel with a concerned look on her face, "What did you do? What did you say to her?!" she asked, upset at Mirabel. As Mirabel tried to say something, she was interrupted by the church bell, Alma looked at her watch, still upset, "I have to go get the Guzmans for Isabela's proposal," Alma started, "Stay away from Luisa until I can talk to her," Alma started to walk away but she stopped at the top of the stairs, "And whatever your doing, stop doing it!" she scolded, you could tell it was mostly directed at Mirabel, but it was somewhat directed at you too.

Pepa asked you for help to grab the last of Antonio's things from the nursery, you don't know what Pepa heard but a cloud formed over her head and the was lightning, "Sorry, sorry," she said as she walked in and you walked in behind her and placed the box you were holding on the floor, "I didn't mean to," Pepa started to apologize but cut herself off my shooing away the cloud above her head and shutting it out of the room you three were in. As you and Pepa started to pick Antonio's things up and pack them in boxes, Mirabel started to ask about Bruno, "Tia Pepa, If Bru-" Mirabel hesitated as a cloud formed above her head while she was sitting on the floor, and you put up your hands motioning Mirabel to not say his name or ask about him but she went on, "If he, had a vision about someone," Mirabel made a bit of a dramatic face, "what would it mean for them?" she asked, hoping to get something out of her Tia, "We don't talk about Bruno," she said as she rang out a rag that was getting wet from the rain that was coming out of the cloud above her head. "I know but," Mirabel started looking at you to butt in and help her out. You rolled your eyes, "hypothetically speaking if he," Pepa cut you off "(Y/N), Mirabel please! We need to get ready for the Guzmans!" she said as she shooed the cloud away with her hands. "We know but we just want to know if it was generally positive or less positive," Mirabel started, "Mirabel," Pepa started but Felix burst into the room, "It was a nightmare!" he shouted, making you jump. "Felix!" Pepa said, trying to make him stop, "They need to know Pepie, they need to know," Felix started, "We don't talk about Bruno!" Pepa scolded Felix but he ignored it, "He would see something terrible, then" Felix started to make sounds, "Boom! It would happen," Pepa interrupted him again, "We don't talk about Bruno!" She scolded again, "what if you didn't understand what he saw?" Mirabel asked, worried. "Well, then you better figure it out, because it was coming for you!" Felix told Mirabel as he slightly shook her. Then Pepa began to sing. 

*play the song at the top, I'm too lazy to put the whole song in here- I'm VERY sorry*

[Time skip to the end of the song-]

"We never should have brought up Bruno!" you and Mirabel sang as you both saw the vision of you, Mirabel, and someone else. But you didn't recognize the figure, it was a shadowed out figure. It took some time for you to notice that there was yet another shadowy figure next to the first one you noticed. Even though you didn't remember them well, their frame looked exactly like what you remember of your parents, you weren't even worried about them being in the vision. All you could think about was the fact that They were alive...

Author's note: Hi- I'm so frickin tired right now TvT I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately, but I'll live! Lol Sorry for not putting the song in here- I don't have the patience to put a whole song in right now- maybe, maybe I'll put it in later, and if yall want yall can come back and read it. I'll obviously change the author's note for that so yall got nothing to worry about U^U Bai yall- (sorry for any grammar and/or spelling errors!) MATERIAL GWORL! :D

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