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I don't know how long I've been in this house

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I don't know how long I've been in this house. All of the windows are boarded and no daylight enters the rooms and they feel stale. I can remember the day vividly. The last time I got summoned by the shrew Opal I was surprised to see Aqua sitting, sleeping next to my grandparents and her hand lay very close to them. I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't do something rash.

The shrew was watching me intently so I pretended not to care so she wouldn't have her anger directed at my loved ones. Then that vile little man entered with a woman and Aqua woke up. Their conversation didn't make sense to me. The only thing standing out is those two people are the shrew's parents. More men entered and then the words I always dreaded to hear pierce my ears like a bullet. And I couldn't stop myself and tried to break that stupid mirror with my hands.

Aqua moved, blocking my grandparents and I know I love her. She's protecting them. She bartered a deal and my family got lifted out of the room and I turned around when I realised the shrew was awfully quiet. The gun stopped me and she looked livid and I froze. Movement had us both look through the mirror and I saw everyone leave except Opal's father. Even Aqua left and I realised she is going with that man and now I wished I listened more.

She forced me into this huge house and I haven't left it since. I'm not tied up but my moving around is limited to the living room, kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. All other doors are locked and I can't use them to hide from her. Opal is always here as is her father and some guards so I won't escape. The first days I refused to eat and on the third night I dreamt about Aqua and she told me to eat and keep my strength, maybe I could find my own way out. To sleep peacefully I lock myself inside the bathroom. It's the only room I can lock from the inside. I use the bathtub as my bed. Not ideal but much better than the alternative. But maybe it would be better if I give in and sleep with her? Maybe she will leave me more alone after it? A shudder travels my spine when I think about it. I really don't want to do it but I'm running out of options.

She caught me three times so far, and she's quite aggressive and surprisingly strong. And with the third attack I realized why she feels familiar. I fell backwards and she straddled me and tried to kiss me. And it flashed that one time two years ago through my mind. Opal is the girl who surprised me when I came out of the bathroom. Her face is different so she must have let someone change it  

The memories of the time after that incident are hazy and hurt my brain so I stop thinking about it. But it intrigues me. Why does it hurt? But I don't know the answer so I think about something else. Opal and probably the other six have been planning this for two years. Maybe even longer? Could they be responsible for the accidents too?

When I'm alone, all I can do is think. And my thoughts stray to Aqua constantly. She saved my family and sacrificed herself for it. And thinking all this time I realize I did everything wrong regarding her. I never should have let the jealousy drive me so far but once I learned she is bonded to Yoongi I got so sad it wasn't me and at the same time I got so furious at that douchebag for raping her. Once I could handle that knowledge, my jealousy turned to anger towards Yoongi and possessiveness towards her. I think she liked me possessive to a degree but I pushed too hard. So hard she didn't invite me back for a while.

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