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"You're back?" Joonie exclaims in surprise when I sit next to him

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"You're back?" Joonie exclaims in surprise when I sit next to him. I greet them and then eat quickly so my mouth is almost always full, preventing me from speaking.

I see them throwing me glances and then quickly back to the TV. Are you okay, Love? You have me a little worried, floats suddenly into my mind and looking at him he has his attention on the TV, at least his face is turned towards it.

I'm fine, Tiger. Dad just had some disturbing news that needs to be fixed, I send back, scooping the last bite into my mouth. Chewing, I connect with his eyes as he turns his face towards me, frowning.

"Disturbing news? What happened?" He demands, turning his entire body my way, ignoring the TV and alerting the others, all five focusing on my face. Guess we're doing this now.

"Give me the remote please?" I answer him and Joonie hands it over. I open YouTube and go to search and I don't need to type everything in, it already comes up as the first item. There are quite a few actually, so I click the first and music fills the room and the guys look confused at me.

"Just watch. You'll understand in a minute." I whisper, pointing at the TV. Next a robotic male voice speaks after the music has turned softer. And the narration is subtitled so you can read along as well.

First is a picture of Gemstones, with me in the middle, at the front and the text "who is Aqua?" What follows for the next minute is a listing of everything that's known about me, which isn't much, well not about my past anyway. Only what is told in interviews and my position within Gemstones.

Then it switches to BTS and all seven get a short introduction. And after Kookie's introduction, that famous photo of Yoongi lifting his shirt, me next to him showing my mark is shown.

Obviously it's not mentioned but everyone knows we're bonded. What is this about, Love? Yoongi is impatient and I smile to myself.

Keep watching, Tiger. You'll know soon enough. I peek a glance at him and I see him huff in impatience, switching back to the TV when I hear Kookie's name.

Multiple pictures and videos of him kissing me at the concert, and the video even shows pictures of the others standing grouped together watching Kookie kiss me.

Next the question is asked why he kisses me and some weird theories are shown and explained. And some even make me laugh. The one stating Kookie needs to learn how to kiss and I'm close so I'm the guinea pig is absurd. And the one stating Yoongi can't satisfy me has me snorting as he puffs his chest a little making me laugh.

The video switches to a picture of Jin and me holding hands, walking around Magic Kingdom. Quickly followed by the video of Tae kissing me in Flight Of Passage. Then the picture of Joonie kissing me behind my car.

Followed by a picture of Yoongi kissing me in a crowded street inside Hollywood Studios. And the last is a video of last night and I watch again how Yoongi samples the cheesecake I'm holding in front of him.

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