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The wind blows softly through the wildflowers

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The wind blows softly through the wildflowers. A whole field of them, swaying. The sun is setting and a few stars are already visible. Despite the night slowly approaching the breeze is warm and makes me feel safe even if I don't know where I am. Continuing walking I see a silhouette on a hill and I get curious. I don't feel any evil or danger coming from the black figure.

Reaching the bottom of the hill the silhouette turns and I believe I know that side profile. And now I have an inkling where I am. I climb the hill and when I straighten up at the top I get pulled into two strong arms attached to very nice broad shoulders.

"Hi Romeo. So this is what you dream about?" I question him and he beams at me as he nods.

"When I dream about you I feel at peace and this place gives me the same feeling so I wanted to share it with you." He explains and it just makes me love him more. I take his hand and we slowly descend the hill on the other side. We talk about everything and when the sun has set we find a spot to lie down and look up at the stars. Holding hands I'm happy to just lie here with him and look up at the black velvet spotted with millions of bright little dots that blankets the dream. Jin isn't happy to just lie here with me as he turns to his side and strokes my cheek with a finger.

The next thing I know is his lips are on mine, sliding, pressing and nipping, making me gasp at the pleasure. He deepens the kiss and his tongue is dominant as it swirls around my mouth. His hair feels soft when I tread my fingers through it, gripping the strands and tugging, making him groan and more demanding as he scoots closer, his body heat burning the side of my body. He rolls on me, making himself at home between my legs, and he's impatient, rolling his hips into me. He feels hard, a spike of pleasure zings up my body with every roll of his hips.

"I love you little Flower. I'll stay with you forever. Just remember that for the rest of your life." He whispers, his plump lips grazing my ear. A tear escapes and rolls down my face and he sees it and wipes it away with a thumb.

"Don't cry little Flower. You should be happy." Jin whispers, kissing my face all over.

"These are happy tears. Your words just moved me and I'll never leave you either." I whisper up at him and now he gets misty eyed and I chuckle when he clears his throat.

"It's almost time to wake up and begin another day. Are you ready?" He questions me, leaning on his elbows, so his entire weight isn't crushing me.

"Yes and no." I chuckle, "I'm ready for another day of fun, but I really liked my time here with you. Invite me more often please, This place can be ours." I answer. He nods, groans and then lands his lips on mine, coaxing my lips apart, sweeping his tongue into my mouth for a last goodbye kiss. Making out for a few minutes I break the kiss for much-needed oxygen.

"Goodbye Romeo. I'll see you later." I laugh and then I feel myself float away softly, but I'm still able to hear his parting words.

"Goodbye Little Flower. See you in a few."

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