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I made sure I took a shower and stuff and then me and the boys went back to my house

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I made sure I took a shower and stuff and then me and the boys went back to my house .

We saw naii was still there and she was sitting on the couch watching some criminal minds while the baby slept on a blanket next to her.

She looked up saw us then looked at each and everyone of us then saw me and a mug came on her face before she turned her head again .

" ONE of y'all got a package from the dna place ." She said not looking at us .

She said that one with a heavy step to it .

I took the box and opened it I saw a few extra test in there .

For what ????

I finally got the paper and flips on the second page to see the result .

I finally got the paper and flips on the second page to see the result

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( you seee meee 🤣)

" so what do to say ?" Draco asked

I'm so damn happy right now .


The boys eyes went wide and shi before they rapped me up and shi

" but one of my cousins might be ..."

" what ?"

" so one of them fucked bug eye ?"

". That's what it seem like or she do the same to them as she did to me but all I know is imma get them down here tomorrow and we testing all them ."

" YUPP that baby need a pappy ." Draco said scratching his head .

" now what you gon do about getting bear back ."

Naii started laughing and then looked at us a shook her head .

" you really delusional as hell ."

" Naii what's your problem with me you ain't never had a problem wit me till today you mugging me and shi and what you mean I'm delusional?"

" cause you really are delusional to think that you getting back with her even after all them damn videos and pictures of you with another girl ."

Oh my fuck

" what she talking about ?" Draco said

" yea that part ." Tj said

" Jaliyah had taken pictures and videos of the night I found out about them a couple months ago ."

" oh hell nah ."

" what the fuck she's weird." Draco said

" had a whole baby and all crazy ." Naii said shaking her head .

" Naii you wanna know the full story since I know you judging me right now but that's not what happened ."

" okay then what happened ?" She said

" alright so basically it started the night I had left to go a family reunion...."

I explained the whole situation to her and explained the videos and pictures and shit .

" so I never cheated on her I was drugged so that's why I wanna get her back and shit so I could explain ."

Naii just stared at me with tears coming down her face .

The fuck is she crying for ?

" why is you crying ?" I asked scrunching my face up .

" what you meann ." She said standing up giving em a hug.

" lil girl why you crying ?" I said hugging her back .

She kept trying to say what she wanted to say but she kept crying and shit my shoulder was finna be wet as hell .

" if you don't calm the hell down ."

" right over here cr-cr-cr-cr-cryin ." Draco said laughing at her cause every time she would say something she would stutter and then just cry again

" I just feel really bad for you and I feel bad for being mean to you and stuff and im sorry ." She said crying and still hugging me .

" lil girl im fine and your good I know you was just acting like that cause you love your sister and shi you good ." I said taking her face off my shoulder and wiping the tears off her face .

" don't be crying I'm good you good we all god aight ?"

She just nodded hugged me one more time and went to sit wit draco .

" so how you gon go about this ?" Tj asked

" ion know real all I know is I want her back and I'm willing to do whatever to have the back ."

" maybe start by explaining to her what happened and showing her the video of Jaliyah confessing to what she did to you so then she know that you never cheated on her ." Tj said

". But how could I get in contact with her she blocked me on everything even email and WhatsApp."

". Gah damn ."

". I can bring her over her tomorrow ." Naii said .

" she's not gonna wanna come over here ."

" I'm pretty damn convincing ."

" you sure it's gonna work though cause I'm really tryna get her back ?"

" yea oncry she see that you never cheated and it wasn't your fault she's gonna feel bad and wanna talk with you so then y'all could talk out what you need to and then decide whether y'all wanna get back together or not ."
So y'all chose choice b and choice b was he's not the dad 😭

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