Who is hayden?

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6:45 am
15th October

"HAYDEN!! Wake up school." Shouts my care worker from down the stairs.
"Mhm." I respond humming through my lips, my long chestnut coloured hair spread out over my pillow as I lay there contemplating whether or not I want to pull myself out of bed but before I can make the descision my care worker shoved open the door.
"Morning Hayden, will I be getting a word out of you this morning?" She enquirers as she picks my Blazer up off the floor and chucks it on my bed , I just smile and point toward the door. My care worker is a tall woman with bleached blonde hair that reaches her shoulders with eyes that are like a tiny ocean. She is very patient with me and never forces the speaking which is new all my other care workers have smashed my self confidence then wonder why I don't feel comfortable opening up But not Kathleen she is a very good care worker... she always understands me. Once I had pointed at the door she left and closed it behind her leaving me to get ready. I wandered over to my wardrobe and pulled out my white coloured blouse with blue stripes and my Navy school skirt topping it off with a cosy Navy jumper then my blazer. I sat down at my desk and began brushing my hair and as I did I felt tears prick my eyes which I know! 'Why are you crying your brushing your hair' but it reminds me that I am about to head to the place I hate. I tied my hair back and placed it into a flower claw clip before leaving my room and heading to the kitchen.
"Good you're here hurry up and eat!" Kathleen shouts as she serves the younger kids. I'm in a group home at the moment but I mean it's not awful there's only 6 of us Rachel who's 17 , Lewis and Addie 15 , Me 12 and Cody and Leah 9. But Rachel is leaving soon to go to university.. I've never actually spoken to any of them except Rachel once but now she's just moody you know? I grab a pancake and eat it whilst I head to the coat room and grab my school bag.
"HAYDEN!! ADDIE!! Get in the car!" Rachel screams as she helps Cody into his car seat. I sit on the stairs fighting back tears. I can't go.
"You comin?" Addie asks as she heads for the door. I shook my head and sighed knowing what was about to happen. I pulled out my phone and there was my favourite actor Scarlett Johansson talking about how anxiety... drives us?
"Hayden." Shit.
"We are not doing this today, Cody has a presentation today in assembly he can't be late." Kathleen exclaimed as she tried grabbing my arm.
"Mm" I yelped trying to get words but failing.
" words might be helpful Hayden." She murmured sarcastically as she pulled me out the house. I didn't put up a fight.. I was hurt. I want to speak I swear I do but i can't and it's killing me. I sat in the back of the mini van silent tears running down my face as the rest of them talked about Cody's presentation whilst I sat there with no way to join in. 15 minutes passed and we had dropped Cody and Leah off now it was our turn. My heart started pounding out my chest , my throat became closed and stuck and suddenly I lost all control- tears were flowing down my face like a waterfall on a extra windy day.
"Kathleen can you not let her walk in with us if she's gonna be crying?" Rachel hissed as her, Lewis and Addie got out and walked in to the building I hated.
"Hayden, I'm sorry but you have to go to school! I'm losing all patience!" Kathleen snapped at me as I shrunk into the leather seat inconsolably sobbing.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Hayden please just communicate with me.. pointing or words I don't care!" She pleaded slamming her head into her hands.
" n.. n ...... no" I squeaked out catching Kathleen's ears.
"What did you say Hayden? Say it again that's it come on." She encouraged. I shook my head. Why wasn't one word enough?! I'm so stupid.
"Never mind Hayden cmon it's 8:30 your officially late." She sighed reaching her hand out for me which I reluctantly accepted before she dabbed my blotchy eyes with a tissue on our way to reception. I lent towards the exit as Kathleen gripped me tightly upon wandering in.
"Morning what lesson does Hayden D have first?" Kathleen inquired still gripping my arm as I swayed myself from side to side trying to calm down.
"Ummm oh hello Hayden! Mrs G wants to speak to you so head to her office instead!" The receptionist responded staring into my sole as I stared at my black shoes.
"Yeah she won't go herself that's the thing." Kathleen stated glaring at me. I hate when people speak for me I mean sure I don't wanna be here but I probably won't leave now that I am.
"No worries! I'll take her from here." Mrs G exclaimed as she wandered through the door.
"Tough morning Hayden?" She questioned as she looked at my care worker. I shrugged and picked the skin around my thumb waiting for someone to answer in words.
"You could say that!... bye thank you!" Kathleen laughed as she waved bye at me and Mrs G.
"Come on Hayden... this way." Mrs G stated as she guided me to her office.
"So school.. how are you finding it?" She questioned me. Are you serious? They know I can't speak most of the time! Why question me?!
"Mm" I hummed back in response fighting the tears that were begging to get let through.
"Okay well I know you want to be an actor right?" Mrs G said beaming when I made eye contact with her.
"Mhm!" I responded smiling- if you are one of the many few people I speak around then all you will hear about is how much I want to be an actor.
"Well I know you have double drama next and we have a surprise for your class! Some professional actors will be coming in!" Mrs G squealed. I wonder who??

I hope you enjoyed:) I'm sorry not much abt scar yet I just wanted you to get the rough idea of what Hayden goes through daily.
Who could be the actors?😉
Stay safe, keep smiling :)

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