Unconditional love💞

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TW: SH, running away
Hayden's POV:
We got back from set 3 days ago and ever since my brain has been screaming at me. I want to relapse. Well not exactly. You get what I mean.. hopefully. Its currently 3am and I'm sat on the cold bathroom floor listening to a sad playlist. I feel empty and I don't know why?!
'Just one cut won't hurt right?' My brain starts reasoning with me..
'It'll help!' Will it?
'Do it doooo ittt' the voices got louder and louder until next thing I knew I was dragging the blade across my arm watching my arm be filled up with dark red lines coating it. It's like I was in a haze, the cuts got more and more aggressive. WHAT THE FUCK HAVE I DONE.  My breathing started picking up when the blood wouldn't stop. I grabbed a towel and pressed down on my arm, slowly the towel got painted in blood. At least the urges are gone I guess? I ran back into my room and chucked on a sweater before tucking myself into bed. Falling asleep as my sleeves were being drenched in the red ink.

Scarlett's POV:
I woke up to feed cosmo at 04:00 and heard some clattering from Hayden's room. I presumed she was just getting up to go to the toilet but I went into her room anyways. She was laying peacefully under the covers but her bathroom mirror light was on so I quietly crept in and my heart dropped. There was... blood. Everywhere. My instincts kicked in and I rushed to Hayden's bed and before I could lift her sleeve I already saw the blood seeping through.
"Hayden.. hayden!" I shook her awake and she stared at me with terrified eyes.
"IM SORRY IM SORRY!" She sobbed staring at the mess of her arm. I engulfed her into a huge hug and called Colin through.
"It's okay darling... shhh" I reassured her cuddling her closely. Colin came in and turned on the light.
"Do you think we need to go to the hospital?" I asked him desperately hoping he had the answer.
"Probably they don't look great..." he whispered back to me noticing Hayden's breathing picking up.
"No no no hospital please!" She wailed slamming her head against my chest weeping.
"It's okay sweetie but we need to! Just to get the cuts checked out okay?" I assured her to which she nodded and got out of bed.
"I'm gonna get changed.. meet you downstairs okay hon?" I rubbed her back before going to my room with Colin.

Hayden's POV:
What if the hospital take me away? No. I can't go... I have to leave. I chucked on my coat and unlocked the door. I ran as fast as I could down the street. If I'm being honest I still don't know my way around LA so this was already proving difficult. I continued running till I reached a park that I'd been to with rose and sat under a tree. I was cold and angry.. Scarlett was calling me again and again but I knew her life would be better without me. I ruin everything. As I was sat under the tree scary drunk people walked past shouting. I moved over to the playground and went under the slide to sleep. My arm was coated in blood and all I could think about was how maybe I just shouldn't belong in a family? Because no matter what anyone says it never gets easier. I'll always feel like an outsider , my mental health will always ruin relationships....won't it? I wrapped my coat around me tighter and leaned against the metal bar that held up the slide, sobbing as more phone-calls and messages pinged through.

Scarlett's POV:
I went downstairs to meet hayden to take her to the hospital and when I got downstairs the door was wide open.
"COLIN COLIN SHE... SHES GONE" I screamed at the top of my lungs and he came running down with a crying cosmo in his arms.
"What? how.." he stuttered looking out onto the street looking for any signs as to where she was.
"Mama?" I heard a small voice coming from the stairs and rose was stood cuddling her blanket.
"Yes my love?" My voice trembled as I tried to hold back my tears.
"Whats wrong?" She asked as I lifted her up into my arms.
"nothing sweetheart.. here why don't you go watch a movie or something okay?" I assured her placing her on the sofa. I called and called Hayden but no response. God i knew I shouldn't have woken her! What if we don't find her!
"Col.. what.. what if we don't find her" I quietly wept into his shoulder as he comforted me. "Hey.. we will find her.. the police said they're out looking for her right now okay?"
"I need her to be okay" i sniffled.

Hayden's POV:
No one cares. you're ruining Scarlett's life. What's wrong with you! Why can't you just suck it up. My head wouldn't stop... it just..wouldn't shut up! I pulled out the blade and continued to do damage. Then i felt myself slowly slipping off. Oh no... no no, well at least I can't bother anyone anymore.
"Thank you so much you have no idea how much you have helped!" Mom? I slowly began opening my eyes to see if it was her. The light was so bright and as I looked around all I could see was someone stood at the door.
"Hayd? Oh honey!" Scarlett ran towards me and gave me a huge hug.
"Where am, I?" I whimpered sitting it slowly looking at my bandaged arm.
"Hospital sweetie.." I began crying. I was trying to stop myself from hurting Scarlett but I ended up hurting her more. I always do.
"I've given you everything! You have no right to feel like this!" My first ever care worker screaming at 9 year old me for jumping off a.. tree.
"You're gonna end up an alcoholic like your dad if your not careful." A foster mum after I got in Trouble at school for standing up for myself.
"You're just TOO much" Kathleen.. who I thought was different. And now I've ruined it with Scarlett.
"So um.." she began talking and I braced myself.
"Yeah I know you have to send me away.. it's fine I'm sorry.. I really did try. I swear" I smiled gently tears flowing out my eyes.
"No! No! What? I was gonna ask if you wanted something to eat. I would never send you away.. I love you." She replied kissing my bandaged arms.
"No.. you have to though.. I've messed up yet again!" I said confused...no one has ever given me second chances before?
"What so because you make one mistake that means you don't deserve a family? I don't think so!" She reasoned and I was shocked. She really does love me!
"I am sorry though mom.. it was stupid. I don't know why I did it.." I sighed bringing her in for a hug.
"Oh sweetheart... Im just glad you're okay!" Mom whispered.

Scarlett's POV:
After a stressful 6 hours I got a call saying hayden had been found by a passer by who called an ambulance. At 11:00am Colin drove me to the hospital with both of the kids and I went to meet the passer by who was lovely. I spent the day with Hayden sat by her hospital bed. The kids and Colin popped in from time to time and rose sat on Hayden's bed with her barbies.
"Hiya! Are you Hayden? I'm Veronica and I'm a psychiatrist! I was wondering if I could have a chat?" I looked over at Hayden who froze before reaching for me. I let her sit on my lap and she whispered "chat?" 
"Want me to come aswell?" I asked hayd to which she nodded in response. We went and had a chat with Veronica who was lovely.


Hayden's POV:
I got out of the hospital this morning and had to speak to my social worker on the phone. Lindsey was not happy with me at all but I didn't mind. My family cares and that's all that matters! At first I thought it was weird... like why wasn't Scarlett mad at me for scaring her? Or why wasn't she mad about her reputation or something? But then she said to me:
"Remember when I said I would love you no matter what?.. I meant that! I love you unconditionally hayden, I just want you to be happy."

I did not proof read this so I give my apologies! Hope you enjoy this chapter though! I have an exciting next chapter coming your way next Sunday!
Lots of love ❤️‍🩹

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