Happy birthday!

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Scarlett's POV:
It's currently midnight and Colin and I are downstairs setting up for Hayden's birthday. She doesn't know that we know it's her birthday today! Her social worker warned us that her experience with birthdays hasn't always been the best, the day she was taken into care was on her 4th birthday the day after her mum died and ever since she doesn't tell anyone it's her birthday. So Colin and I have made it our mission to make it the best birthday she's ever had. After all she is becoming a teenager! 13! I got the marvel decor out and started laying it on the counter along with her presents. I had managed to get in touch with miss B Hayden's old drama teacher to ask her if she wanted to fly out to see Hayden which of course she did! So I had put out a letter from Miss B telling Hayden they would be seeing each other tomorrow. Colin made sure the bunting and balloons were ready in position before we cuddled up on the sofa to talk about the plan for today. Around 01:00 we headed upstairs to sleep. I was so excited to see her reaction I found it difficult to sleep but eventually I dozed off.

Hayden's POV:
I was feeling pretty dull. I hate my birthdays they all seem to go wrong so when I was 7 I made the decision to stop telling my foster parents or workers when it was. Sure I did sometimes wish I had just one day all about me but.. it wasn't worth the angst. My brain and I have been fighting for the past week trying to decide whether or not to tell Scarlett but I decided not to, I Don't want to bother her. My alarm went off at 09:30 and I groaned trying to turn it off.
"HAPPY BIRFDAY!" Rose came running into my room jumping on top of me as scar and Colin stood in the doorway anxiously trying to see how I reacted. How did they know?
"Um.. wow.. tha- thank you" I stuttered fighting the tears.
"Hey rosebud.. wanna help me and cosmo make waffles?" Colin asked rose and she kissed me on the head before running out the room.
"Sorry if this isn't what you wanted hayd.. I just wanted to show you birthdays can be good!" Mom explained and i nuzzled into her side.
"No it's- it's nice I just wasn't expecting it that's all." I teared up and pushed my head further into her.
"So why don't we give celebrating your birthday a go then hmm?" She asked lifting my head up.
"Okay" I took a deep breath and followed scar downstairs where I was greeted with the most amazing set up ever. I stood at the bottom of the stairs in awe. I began crying with happiness.
"Aww kiddo..c'mere" Colin lifted me into his arms and I hugged him tightly.
"Thank you so much!" I cried into his shoulder. It soon turned into a family hug with mom who was holding cosmo and rosebud joining us. I sat down at the breakfast bar with rose and we ate waffles with chocolate sauce and whipped cream! Just when I thought it couldn't get any better mom brought over gifts! So many gifts!
"I can't take these" I explained I felt bad that they were doing so much for me.
"Yes you can silly!" Rose told me booping my nose which is something she's learnt from Colin.
"Yeah silly!" Scarlett laughed and smirked at me. The gifts were so cool but my favourite was a necklace that matched with Scarlett's! It was a small love heart with the engraving that said: Love you to the moon and back.

Scarlett's POV:
After breakfast I did Hayden's hair for her and tried teaching her how to use the curler I got her for her bday! She did her own makeup experimenting with the new products we had bought her before heading out to the car. Hayden and I were heading to Starbucks and the mall whilst Colin got lunch ready and the guests arrived.
"So what drink do you want pumpkin the usual?" I asked hayd and she nodded so I ordered a strawberry peach iced tea and an iced latte for myself. We then went into H&M to get some clothes. We were out for about an hour before driving back to the house. Hayden opened the door and saw Chris and ran up to him!
"Hi Hayden! Happy birthday!" Lizzie exclaimed walking over to hayd and Hayden soon spotted that Robert, Jeremy, Chris and mark were also here! She enjoyed a nice lunch and they gifted her some really cool marvel stuff.

Hayden's POV:
I was having loads of fun! I was mostly hanging out with Lizzie because no one's kid was my age but it kept rosebud entertained. I appreciated a small 'family friend' party as I wasn't sure I could cope with one with my friends. We had been together since 3:00pm and it was now half 5 and I was starting to get overwhelmed. I went looking for mom but couldn't find her so I found dad and tapped him on the shoulder. He was sitting chatting to Anthony, Seb and Chris.
"Hey kiddo, you okay?" He asked me and I shrugged before sitting on his lap and cozying into his neck. He continued his chat with them but stroked my hair and held me close. He's so gentle. Then it started to get loud like really loud and i tired whispering to dad but he didn't hear me! I got so frustrated that I started crying into his chest which he immediately picked up on and carried me up to his room.
"What's up hmm?" He enquired sitting next to me on the bed.
"Loud" I whined covering my ears and going under the covers.
"Oh sorry kid, I didn't realise!" He brought over my ear defenders and layed next to me and put them over my ears.
"You can go chat to them it's fine" I sighed snuggling into moms pillow.
"I would rather stay with the amazing birthday girl" Colin replied so I turned and fell asleep cuddling him. Not long later I awoke still in his arms. He stayed..?
"Good morning sleepy head! Wanna go back down to say goodbye to everyone?" He asked me and I nodded still clinging to him. I wandered down the stairs and hugged mom before waving goodbye to everyone and showing the 'thank you' card. Chris and Lizzie are staying for dinner I think. I played with rose for a while before going to eat dinner! It was pizza! We enjoyed a lovely dinner and we were about to watch a film when mom said "hang on you have 2 more gifts!"

Scarlett's POV:
Today had gone incredibly well and now came the moment I was the most nervous for.
"This is a special card from.. well" I handed hayd the card and she squealed when she saw it from Miss B!
"I GET TO SEE MISS B AGAIN!" She hugged me and Colin so tight before settling herself back down next to Chris.
"Wait there's one... one more gift!" I tried holding in my nervousness. Colin, rose and I sat in front of hayd and watched as she slowly opened the card.
Dear our beautiful daughter Hayden!
Happy birthday! We have loved getting to know you and you fit right in perfectly!
You are funny, kind and the best sister( rosebud says!)
We are writing this letter to ask...
May we have the wish of adopting you?xx
I scanned Hayden's emotions and gripped Colin's hand tightly. There was silence for a few moments before I heard a sniffle and Hayden brought her hand to her eyes to wipe her tears.
"Really!" She squeaked smiling at us.
"Really." Colin confirmed to which Hayden threw herself at me.
"YES YES. YES!" I was so happy. We watched Frozen because rose wanted to and even though it's Hayden's day she wanted rose to be able to watch frozen. Which is the sweetest thing ever. I said goodbye to Chris and Lizzie and got rose and cosmo into bed before cuddling Hayden on the sofa.
"I'm so lucky to have you in my life honey" I whispered kissing her on the head.
"I'm the luckiest person in the world to have you mom" she whispered back nuzzling into me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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