A lift home💞

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TW : s3lf H@rm

I wandered over to the drama department and knocked on the door anxiously waiting for someone to open it.
"Oh hey!" Chris evans swung open the door and I just stood there staring at him like I'd seen a ghost or something! God I'm stupid.
"You okay?" He questioned as he leant on the doorway. Then Miss B came up behind him and smiled at me.
"Cmon Hayden, come in" she said as she shut the door. I looked around and saw That most of the cast had gone.. I mean I knew they would have to leave but I couldn't help but hate myself for not talking to them when I had the chance. I sat on miss B's desk and swung my legs in the air. Did Scarlett forget about driving me home? Probably. I'm not that memorable.
"How was your day hayd?" Miss B asked as she made herself a tea meanwhile Chris was sitting in my usual seat but I didn't mind, it was actually quite cool! I just shrugged in response which got miss B walking towards me and giving me a sympathetic smile.
"You wanna try and speak, Chris doesn't care do you?" Miss B Hinted whilst tucking a bit of my hair behind my ears.
"Yeah honestly ill look away!" Chris laughed giving me a nice smile.. Scarlett left me. She left me didn't she. I burst into tears and I didn't  know why. I just want someone to care! That's all I want.
"Hey Hayden calm down!" Miss B shouted as I began banging my head against the wall.
"HAYDEN, STOP" Miss B exclaimed as Chris put his hand in front of my forehead.
"I .. i.. want... scar" I cried out causing a shocked look on both of their faces.
"Erm.. okay I'll grab her ,she's just on the phone I think, give me a moment" Chris rushed out the door.
"Sorry miss b" I stuttered blood dripping down my head from the wall.
"It's okay Hayden, I know you can't help it" she smiled as scar walked in the room with a concerned look on her face.
"I'm sorry Hayden I hadn't forgotten! My phone call just ran over that's all!" She explained while wiping the blood off my head with a wipe.
"Cmom go get your bag"Miss B said and I wandered over to go get it.
"Um.. here's my number in case she acts out on the way to her care home or doesn't tell you where it is!"  Miss B whispered to Scarlett
"Thank you!" She exclaimed as we walked out to her car. We got to her car, it was a silver Range Rover with white leather seats. 'Wow'I thought to myself!
"Hop in" Scarlett called out as I lingered outside the passenger seat door awkwardly.
"So where do you live Hayden?" She said cheerfully as we made it out of the car park. Okay. I can do this. I can tell her.
"Um.. 224 Roselie Street." I stuttered as tears were begging to come out.
"Awesome" Scarlett replied before putting her hand on my knee.
"It's okay Hayden, it's okay" she reassured me as we pulled up outside the building.
"Um... th,. Thank you so much Miss Johansson." I muttered. For some reason my body was urging me to hug her, like involuntarily?!
"Call me Scarlett! And no problem... hopefully I'll see you around!" She said as she wrapped an arm around me before I left the car.

She waved through the window as I walked towards the door then she drove off. I walked in the door and turned on the lights, I felt like shit. I just wanted Scarlett, that's all I want!!
"Hey loser" Rachel shouted down the stairs.
"How was your day then?". She hissed at me as she wandered into the kitchen and poured herself a coffee. I simply shrugged in response.
"Fuck's sake.. no wonder you've got no friends" She said as she shoved past me. I put my bag down on the cold marble floor and made myself a ham sandwich before retreating back to my bedroom. I suddenly felt a wave of sadness. I do have no friends, no one likes me and I try so hard and yet nothing ever changes. I went over to my bathroom and grabbed my blade that was taped under the bathroom counter and dragged it across my skin before pulling my sleeve back down and climbing under the bedsheets.
"Hey Hayden" Kathleen said sweetly as she stood in my doorway smiling softly. I just laid there silently, I felt so numb inside and out.
"What's wrong hayd?" She sighed with a slight hint of concern in her voice.
"Hayden?" I started crying why can't she just leave me alone! I don't know what's wrong with me! Kathleen walked out the room and returned a few moments later with my communication cards. She sat on my bed and pulled the covers down and suddenly her face got painted with shock.
"WHAT THE HELL!!" She screamed. I looked down confused and that's when I saw the dark red stain all over my bedsheets and my arms. Shit.

"HAYDEN WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE!!!" She shrieked at me as she yanked me off the bed and dragged me downstairs.
"What's happened here?" Rachel laughed until she saw the state I was in and her face went extremely pale.
"Rachel go to your room" Kathleen sighed as she headed over to the medical cupboard. My head was rushing, I didn't know what to do.. I never meant for this to happen! I ran out the kitchen and shoved on my coat and shoes before running out the door as Kathleen shouted at the top of her voice wanting me to come back. I wasn't listening my head was too full to comprehend anything she was saying. I ran and ran and i eventually made it to the woods that were 30 mins away from my care home. I laid against a tree and began to feel faint, I was trying to open my eyes as much to avoid falling asleep but that didn't work. I woke up in the Same position but it was light now. I checked my phone and it was 05:00 am... 45 missed calls from Cathleen, 16 from my social worker, 14 from who I think must be the police and 35 from Miss B. Oh my god. My heart dropped, I'm so fucking stupid. I called Kathleen and apologised and told her I was safe before hanging up and starting my walk to school to see if miss B was in yet. I walked into the drama dept and saw only the staff room light was on so I opened the door and was greeted by Scarlett sitting on the sofa with a coffee in hand and her laptop.
"S sorry" I whispered but really I was so happy I bumped into her.
"Don't be sorry Hayden! Come take a seat... everything okay now?" I presumed she'd heard about last night.
"Yeah,. I guess" I muttered.
"Cmon let's go for a drive" she exclaimed as she put her coffee cup in the sink.
"Okay!" I smiled.

(Sorry this tool so long to update I have had so many tests!! Also Hayden and scar will be closer in these next few chapters so look out for that!!)

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