Welcome home hayden 💞

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Scarlett's POV:
I watched as Hayden ate her waffles and poured her a cup of orange juice before handing it to her. She looked at me uneasily and took a sip before making a disgusted face.
"Um.. Scarlett" she said quietly tears pricking her eyes.
"Yes sweetheart?" I asked. Oh no! What if she's allergic? It wasn't on her file-.
"I don't like orange with bits I'm really sorry.. wait never mind it's fine I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." She rushed her breath picking up pace.
"Calm down it's okay.. want apple juice right now and Colin can go to the store and grab some smooth OJ?" I asked tucking her hair behind her ears.
"Yeah.. thanks" she muttered as I walked over to the sink with our dishes and put them in the dishwasher. Hayden stood awkwardly next to me.
"This is your home now too! You can do whatever u want!" I laughed giving her a side hug. Colin headed out to get some groceries and me and Hayden headed upstairs! I was gonna show her, her new room!
"Okay and through this hall is the guest room and then if we turn this is the guest bathroom.."

Hayden's POV:
Scarlett's house was beautiful! I saw rose's room, cosmos room and Scarlett's room and all the bathrooms, dining room, sitting rooms etc...! I was bedazzled!
"And in here is your room! I got some help from some avengers yk..." Scarlett said smirking at me. She pushed open the door and I was greeted with the most beautiful room. When you first enter you see a huge window with cream edges and marvel curtains. In the corner was a double bed with signed marvel posters surrounding it! Scarlett was watching me anxiously seeing if I liked it.. the truth was I LOVED IT! I felt so cared for! No one has ever put in this much effort for me before!
"What do you think hayd?" She said as I stood admiring it. I had no words so I leapt into her arms and crying happy tears which scarlett soon joined in with.

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I had been unpacking for the past 2 hours and online shopping with Scarlett for new clothes and some more decorations for my room

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I had been unpacking for the past 2 hours and online shopping with Scarlett for new clothes and some more decorations for my room. Colin was downstairs in the living room watching TV when he shouted that he was leaving so Scarlett and I went down and she gave him a kiss and hug and I waved from a distance as he headed out to go to snl. A few moments later there was a knock on the door and Scarlett answered it whilst I watched YouTube in the living room.

Scarlett's POV:
The bell rang and Hayden didn't notice until I got up off the sofa where she tracked my every move. I opened her door and surprise! It was Chris!
"Hey how you doing?" He said as I let him in. Hayden froze and wrapped herself in her captain America blanket.
"Good! Um she might freak so just give me a minute why don't you go into the kitchen?" I whispered the last part before going to see Hayden who Immediately grabbed my hand. I really liked how much she trusts me already!
"Hayden.. Chris is here would you like to see him?" I said rubbing her shaking knee.
"Mmm" Hayden groaned getting frustrated at her brain not letting her speak. I got up to get her communication cards and as I handed them to her she flinched? She found the 'yes' card so I took her hand and brought her through to the kitchen!
"Hello Chris this is Hayden as you know..!" I said clutching Hayden's hand.
"Nice blanket Hayden!" Chris laughed smiling at her.
"Thanks.. it's you!" I was shocked! She never usually would have just spoken!
"Yes it is me! You have good taste! Am I your favourite super hero?" He asked in a jokey way.
"I think Black widows pretty cool!" I laughed tickling Hayden who hugged me whilst we all spoke for around an hour before sitting opposite Chris at the table as I brought over some Mac and cheese for her and smooth OJ.
"No bits?" She asked staring at the juice in front of her.
"Nope very smooth!" I reassured her before sitting down next to Chris with a coffee in hand.
"So what school is Hayden going to?" Chris asked me and Hayden's head shot up before throwing the macaroni on the floor and running out the room.
"Shit sorry!" Chris shouted as we both followed her..
"It's fine don't worry the doors locked." I said as I grabbed Hayden and picked her up. The poor thing was sobbing desperately trying to leave.
"No SCHOOL NOO SCHOOOL" she wailed as I rocked her as we walked into the kitchen.
"You're not going back to school yet don't worry!" I reassured her. Chris apologised over and over so I kept reassuring him as well. How would he even have known? Hayden was on,y hiccuping but I kept her on my lap.
"Hayden gets 3 months before we have to sign her up for a school here!" I said stroking her hair me and Chris chatted for a bit until a small voice squeaked out.
"I'm really sorry." Hayden sighed.
"I shouldn't have done that please don't kick me out on my first day!"
"I wouldn't ever kick you out Lovie why would u think that?" She just shrugged.By now it was 6:30 pm so Chris left just as Colin was coming in so we all ended up chatting whilst Hayden did some colouring in at the kitchen table.
"Bye Chris have a lovely evening!" Me and Colin shouted until we heard Hayden who ran past us and gave Chris a drawing of her and captain America.
"Thank you Hayden sleep well!" He smiled before leading her to us and driving away.
"That was lovely hayden!" I smiled as we walked through to the kitchen. Me and Colin started making dinner and we let Hayden have full control over our playlists. Within minutes we were dancing with Hayden using spoons as microphones and spatulas as well!

Hayden's POV:
We danced and sang our Hearts out together and I felt so loved for the first time I felt like I fit in! I laid the table like Colin asked me too before we all sat down and enjoyed some tacos for dinner with nachos as a side. I ate until I had had enough. Colin did the washing up whilst Scarlett showed me how to use the shower and gave me the shampoo and conditioner I like!
"Colin got it for you!" Scarlett said when she saw the confusion on my face. I had a nice warm shower for the first time in months... I loved it so much that I stayed in for 35 minutes. When I got out I saw some black widow PJ's on my pillow so I got into them and went downstairs and saw just Colin on the sofa. Where's Scarlett?!
"Colin?" I asked quietly as he turned towards me.
"Yeah kiddo you okay?" He questioned facing me.
"Where's scar?" I asked panicked.
"She's in our room hayd!" I walked upstairs and was about to knock on the door but got too scared so went under my covers and checked the time 21:45. I cried for a bit cause I just wanted Scarlett but then she came in and sat next to me.
"Hayden Colin said you were looking for me? I was in my room hun, don't worry!" I sat up and she wiped my tears.
"I was too scared to knock." I cried out,
"You don't need to knock just come in okay?!" She smiled at me hugging me again.
"Look" she posted at her shirt and trousers.. We were matching!! I flapped my arms about and shouted
"WE'RE matching!" Scarlett laughed before tucking me in and she kissed my head before turning off my light and closing the door behind her. I couldn't sleep I was excited, happy and Sad? All at once? I lay awake overthinking. 00:00am, 01:30 am 02:00 am. Scarlett did say I could go and see her if I needed too? And she would want me to sleep! Right? Yes. No . Yes. N- yes. I got out of bed and turned on the hall light before finding their room. What if Colin sleeps nearest the door? Oh no. I took some deep breaths before opening the door quietly and used my phone as a torch to find Scarlett.
"Um.. scar?" I whispered nearly in tears.
"HMM.. oh oh hey Hayden what's wrong?" She said sitting up putting her glasses on.
"I can't sleep." I whispered to her. She patted the spot next to her and I laid down next to her as she took off her glasses.
" night Hayden!" She whispered kissing my forehead.
"Night nught m- Scarlett" I yawned before falling sound asleep

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