Chill day

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TW : sh
Hayden's POV:
I woke up and checked the time, it was 09:25 and I climbed out of bed to have a shower. I had relapsed last night because of how scared I was to go to my new school. Which by the way was tomorrow... so I had to put on long sleeves so no one would notice. I headed downstairs and saw rose sitting on the sofa with waffles watching rapunzel.
"Morning Haydy!" Rose called out running towards me with a sticky syrup mouth. I smiled and gave her a hug.
"Morning Rosebud!" I responded walking her to the sink and washing her hands. Colin walked into the kitchen with cosmo and sneaked a picture of me and rose. I helped her down and she immediately returned to her movie.
"How was your sleep hayd?" Colin asked bringing me a plate of waffles.
"Good!" I responded walking straight past the waffles. Syrup is a sensory NIGHTMARE. Instead i Messaged Scarlett to ask her to please get me a Starbucks. She said she would so I was very happy! I have been able to talk to the following people recently: Scarlett(only at home), colin(only at home) , Rose(only at home) and obviously cosmo. I was so proud of myself! I never thought I would be able to speak to people normally again!
"We need to collect your school bag hayd" Colin said as he picked rose up and swung her in the air. She squealed and was giggling so much. So I turned my attention to cosmo. He really is so cute, I sat down and he laid in my arms just staring at me. I gave him a kiss before putting him in his bouncer.
"Cmon get in the car I'm gonna grab cosmo and get him in the car." Colin shouted from the living room. Me and rose walked out to the car and got in before blasting music so when d-  colin got in the car It was blasting 'Set it all free' from sing.
"THATS MOMMYS VOICE!" Rose shouted. Colin hushed her as cosmo was sleeping, we arrived at the school store and I started shaking so rosebud took my hand and smiled at me. She really is the best lil sis.
"Hayden if it's too much just let me know okay?" Colin said smiling at me. I nodded and we went to the front desk and gave our order number. They brought out the the bag and I really did love it.

 They brought out the the bag and I really did love it

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"Good?" Colin asked. I nodded and showed the 'thank you' card. Rose was tugging on my arm to show me something so we went over to the school section and she showed me the bag she has. I gave her the thumbs up and then we went back to Colin.
"Whilst we are here you also need to get your gym kit apparently?" Colin said looking at the instructions Scarlett had sent him. We found the schools one and then he said the dreaded words.
"Scarlett wants you to try it on hayd" Short sleeves. I shook my head. He looked at me confused and told me we could go as soon as I'd tried it on. I tried it on with my hoodie on top and just signalled that I was cold. But at least it fits. We all got back in the car and headed home. We got to the door and Colin unlocked it and Scarlett was home 20 minutes early!
"MOMMY!" Rose ran to Scarlett and She picked her up before hugging me whilst holding rose. Rose then soon went back to Colin and helped him bake cookies and I went to my room to pack my school bag. I soon got overwhelmed so lay myself under all my blankets when I heard a knock on the door,
"Hayden honey, can I come in?" Scarlett called so I shouted yes back and she came in.
"What's wrong?" She said assessing the blanket situation.
"I don't know I'm just sleepy but can't find the right spot." I sighed shoving my head into my pillow. Scarlett laughed and sat next to me.
"Want me to lie with you?" She offered. I nodded and she pulled me onto her lap. I layed with my head on her shoulder. She rocked me like she always does and only she can do it the way that it calms me.
"You love my cuddles don't you!" She exclaimed as I drifted off to sleep.
"Nuh uh" I yawned falling asleep on her shoulder.

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