nick - nothing could ever change the way i feel about you (request)

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CW: references to top surgery scars

"Hey, y/n! Feel like going swimming today? Chris has been begging to so I wondered if you wanted to come with us?" Nick asked, walking into your shared room.

"Uhm, I don't know it looks kinda cold outside today." You mumbled, scared to tell him the real reason you didn't want to go.

"Cold? It's boiling today. Soo wanna come?" He grinned, really hoping you'd come.

"Oh, um, maybe. I don't really feel up to it today." You replied quietly, not sure how you could get yourself out of this.

"It's alright if you don't wanna come, love. We can just stay home, but are you sure there's not something wrong?" He asked, sitting down on the bed next to you and putting his arm around your shoulder.

You rested your head against him, taking a deep breath.

"I...I just-" you started, nervous to continue.

"Take your time, I'm here." He comforted, encouraging you.

"I dont wanna go 'cause I don't want them to see me. Or you. Or anyone, for that matter." You whispered, looking down at your lap.

"Why not, baby? You can tell me." He assured you, wrapping his spare hand around both of yours, squeezing gently.

"Nick I'm, I'm trans. And a few years ago I got surgery, so yeah that's what I'm scared of. I'm scared of everyone seeing my scars and thinking whatever the fuck they'd think. I just don't know if I can deal with that. I guess that I'm also really scared about you finding out, and seeing them. I'm scared of what you'd think." You sighed, feeling slightly relieved to get that off your chest, but equally terrified for his response.

"Y/n... nothing could ever change the way I feel about you. Nothing. You're still you, you're still the love of my life, darling. I appreciate you telling me too, I know that must've taken alot of courage." Nick smiled at you, looking really proud.

He engulfed you in a hug, gently rubbing your back.

"You're okay with it? With me?" You questioned, looking up at him.

"Okay? Baby it's more than okay, believe me. And about being scared of people noticing, you don't have to worry about that either. If and only if you want to come, today's just gonna be us. You me and my brothers, and trust me they won't care either. No ones gonna judge you, sweetheart. I'll be there to look after you I promise." He said, smiling softly at you.

"Yeah, yeah maybe then. I'll try." You nodded, looking up at him gratefully.

"That's awesome, y/n. I'm proud of you. It'll be okay, I've got you." He comforted.

"Thank you, nick. That means everything to me. You said.

"No need to thank me, baby. So, ready to go?" He asked, tilting his head.

"Actually, nick, do you think- do you think maybe I could show you first? As in just you? Having everyone see at once sounds terrifying." You muttered timidly, trying not to be completely overwhelmed by the nerves.

"Yeah of course! Do whatever you're comfortable with. Just please don't rush anything for me, do it at your own pace" He assured you.

You nodded. "I feel like I want to do it, I don't want to keep hiding from you."

"You're sure you're not gonna think it's weird or ugly or anything?" You continued, feeling really anxious.

"Never y/n, never. It's just me, you're always perfect to me. I could never think of you as anything less than beautiful I promise." He reassured you, cupping your cheek and giving you a gentle kiss.

You took a deep breath and lifted off your shirt.

"You're breathtaking, baby. Your scars are a part of you, and a beautiful one at that." Nick spoke, blushing slightly. You knew he meant every word.

"Can I?" He asked, gazing at you.

You thought for a second and nodded, taking his offered out hand in yours as he traced it down the centre of your chest.

He paused it on your waist.

"I love you, y/n. More and more everyday, I hope you know that." He whispered, leaning in to kiss you.

"You ready to do this?" He asked, smiling at you.

You nodded. "Yeah, yeah I'm ready."

Before you knew it, you were relaxing by the pool with nick and his brothers. He was right, they didn't make a single comment about anything.

Now and again you caught nick looking over at you, a look of pride and love filling his eyes. You smiled, forever grateful to have him in your life. Little did you know that he was thinking the exact same thing.

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