Two | Interrogation

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"Wakey wakey, Vampire whore!"

A kick to Sylvie's stomach jolted her awake, forcing her to eject bile across the ground. She blinked blearily as Jace's chiselled face came into view, his hulking form in front of the lights casting his features in shadow. She didn't know how long she slept or even the fact she fell asleep, but the sky outside was still pitch, and the air around her was frigid.

Not wanting nor able to respond, Sylvie just swallowed as Jace crouched by her hands and tugged the tape and tie bindings off, throwing the rubbish from the cell.

Her blouse and pants were next, ending in a heap by the door. She flinched when his hands moved to her underwear, and he stopped, wrapping his hands around her leg. "Your bruising is gone already."


The unexpected rise in his voice, which she presumed was excitement, made her shudder. Why would fast healing be a good thing if not to hide evidence of his abuses? He was just like the monsters from her childhood.

"Get away," she hissed, sliding back a few inches. Her body groaned at the sudden motion; despite the lack of visible wounds, her muscles still ached from the pelting.

"You're a fast healer, but you aren't a shifter."

Jace pulled her back towards him and gripped her chin, stretching her lips back to check her teeth.

His eyes narrowed, and he dropped her head back, the weight of it smacking the concrete. Groaning, Sylvie pushed his wandering hands away weakly. His touch irritated her skin to no end.

  He growled suddenly, "what are you?"

Before she could come up with a lie, a buzzing sound vibrated from Jace's pocket. Hesitating a moment, throat bobbing with a hard swallow, he pulled the phone free and answered.

"Yes. It's done." Pause. "No, not yet."

Her heart started beating faster, pumping blood around her shivering body and flushing her skin. Whatever was still to come didn't sound inviting. 

"Alright. See you in five."

Jace hung up, pocketing the phone, and sneered down at her with a contemptuous leer. "You better tell Alpha what he wants to hear, or I'll make your stay here as uncomfortable as possible."

Sylvie kept her mouth shut and eyes glued to the floor as he stood with a dark chuckle. "So disappointing. I thought you'd be more of a challenge to break."

A jolt of satisfaction hit her, and she hid the urge to smile with a calculating roll to her other side, placing her back towards him. 


If he thought he had already broken her, perhaps he would go easier on her or at least give her more time to plan an escape. All she needed was a second of inattention. The second he underestimated her, it would be his last mistake.

"Put the fucking clothes on that I gave you," he said, kicking her legs. 


"I won't let your disgusting seductress powers near my Alpha."

Sylvie's brow furrowed, lips parting to speak, but she pressed them together at the last second. She had no idea what he was talking about, but asking never got her anywhere with him, so there was no point starting then. Asshole.

Sitting up and suppressing a groan, she grabbed the ratty pile of clothes, if you could even call them that. The black biker shorts hugged her ass so tightly the outline of her panties showed, and the holey t-shirt stretched ridiculously across her bust.

Unwanted Fates | Book Two ✔️Where stories live. Discover now