Sixteen | Parted

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"I do not want to believe any of what Hex has spoken to be true, but I will look into it. For your sake," Elias said, sitting beside Sylvie on the front steps. 

The morning sun was yet to hit the front of the house, but he was already covered in full-length trousers and a long-sleeved, black dress shirt. He looked ravishing.

"What does that mean, though? I don't want you to leave."

Sylvie refrained from pouting as Kian and Rowan padded from the house before standing in front of them.

Rowan cleared his throat. "She needs to meet the pack."

"No," Both Elias and Sylvie snapped at the same time.

"Elias, just hear him out," Kian said, crossing his arms. "You too, Princess."

She groaned. "Why are you all buddy-buddy with him now?"

Kian gave her a stern look and sighed. "I think it will be safer for us with the pack while Kerensa and Elias go to Argyncia."

Sylvie's mouth dropped open, and she looked to Elias for backup. "You mean to stay there? We just got settled in here! Why can't we stay here, and they come to meet us?"

"My people aren't some slaves you can order around for your every whim. They have responsibilities and will not drop them all to see you." Rowan's scathing words made Sylvie frown, a scarlet blush burning her cheeks and chest. What was worse was that he was right, and she made herself sound like a total self-important brat.

"You chose to mark me, and that means you chose the responsibility of leading-"

"No!" Sylvie jumped up, shaking her head. "I didn't think about the consequences when I marked you-"

"Ignorance is not an excuse. Deep down, you knew."

Angry tears filled her eyes as she attempted to stare him down. "Just shut up."

He stepped closer to her, his hazel-green eyes narrowing. "You will come to see our people."

"Stop it." The tears slipped over her waterline and down her flushed cheeks. She let them sit on her cheeks for once instead of angrily swiping them away. "I can't do this. I'm not meant for this-"

"The Fates would never mate you with three leaders from their respective realms if you were not a leader."

Rowan wouldn't quit. Even when he saw her breaking down, he kept digging deeper. She was so close to snapping. Kian crossed between them and palmed her cheek, forcing a calm through her, while cool hands at her back let her know Elias was close too.

"I will be there the entire time," Kian said, stealing her gaze with his dark eyes.

Everything in her wanted to run away and hide, but Rowan's expectant stare and Kian's gentle nudging rooted her to the spot.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Kerensa's gravelly voice drew all of their attention from the corner of the house, her bloodshot, squinting eyes suggesting she was woken recently.

"I'm trying to fucking sleep, and all I hear is your whining." Her purple eyes cut briefly to Sylvie with a question in them, but Sylvie shook her head softly. 

'I'm fine,' she mouthed.

Elias walked towards her, crossing his arms. "I need to get to Argyncia."

"And?" Kerensa blinked. "The Silver city has been blocked off for centuries-"

"I know that. But if it wasn't, and someone has been getting through, could you get us there?"

She sighed and crossed her arms, mirroring Elias. "Is that even a question? Of course, I fucking could, but if you're wrong, the pushback from the realm will hurt like a bitch."

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