Thirty-five | Run

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"Who are you?" Hayes growled again, tightening his grip on her neck.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"I'm no one," Sylvie wheezed, curling her fingers around his, pulling softly. "Please, stop." Tears sprung to her eyes, but she refused to use her full strength and reveal her true nature to him. "I just thought-" Tears poured down her cheeks. "I thought you wanted me."

His grip loosened enough for her to draw a full breath, and she kept her hands on his despite how much they trembled.

He laughed and let go, stepping back to look at her thoroughly. "You are beautiful, but why would I want you?"

Shame filled her belly as he sneered. "I don't want my brother's sloppy seconds."

She swallowed the embarrassment and palmed her flaming face. Being rejected by someone who looked identical to her mate was a mind fuck, and it took everything not to get offended.

"Aren't you hungry?" she asked meekly, holding her wrist out to him, angling the portion she lathered in potion towards his lips.

"I just ate."

She swallowed and nodded. Tears threatened to spill again as she palmed the doorknob beside her. "I'll just go then. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-"

Just as she turned the handle, a strangling grip took her wrist and pulled her off her feet, cold hands wrapping around her hips and planting her ass on the counter.

Ew, she cringed. No matter how clean she was, asses didn't belong where food was prepared. She guessed vampires didn't have the same hygiene standards considering all they ate was blood, but still. Ew.

From her new position, Hayes levelled his gaze with hers. She stared at his lips and swallowed, flickering her eyes down again. Specks of blood stained them, and she was not looking forward to the second-hand meal.

"Just let me go," she mumbled, pulling back a fraction. His demeanour was beginning to get on her nerves. "Please. I won't tell." 

"Something about you intrigues me, and I don't know if I like it. Perhaps I should kill you and be done with it." He caged her thighs with his hands and sighed in her face, the scent of copper pennies tickling her nose.

"Well, hurry up then," she said, levelling her gaze right back. His fantastical dramatic bullshit was getting really old.

A smile curled his lips, and his eyes twinkled. "Ah, there it is. There's the feistiness."

"Oh, you like that do you?"

The challenge in her voice was clear, and Hayes shifted, taken aback. "More for me to break," he murmured, swiping his finger across his lower lip, clearing some of the blood specks. "Like an animal." He licked his lip as he said it, and Sylvie exhaled a sharp chortle. 

"Is that your best line? Comparing me to an animal."

She knew the second she said it she had taken it too far, but she quickly squashed his face between her palms and yanked his head forward to kiss him. Her speed was no match for him, but surprisingly, he put up little resistance as she kissed him. 

Sooner than expected, his body grew leaden, sliding down between her legs and to the floor with a soft thud. She wasn't even sure she kissed him deep enough to spread the potion, but there he was. Painfully still. She jumped down beside him and toed his limp body. 


Without wasting another second, she pulled the knife free from her thigh and sliced her dress to knee height, wrapping the extra fabric around her waist and trying it in a bow. It may come in handy later. She eyed the knife and then the unconscious jerk but shook her head.

Unwanted Fates | Book Two ✔️Where stories live. Discover now