Thirty | Dinner

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As they walked single file down unfamiliar halls, the sun shot distorted beams through the hazy glass.

Servants passed squeaking and bowing every time their eyes fell on Elias, and Sylvie couldn't help but roll her eyes at their wide mouths and flushed faces. 

Yes, he looked delectable in the tailored maroon suit he changed into, but he was still in her bad books as far as she was concerned. Her body ached from the denied orgasm, and his smirk whenever he saw her scowl proved he knew it too.

"In here," he said, strolling through a door held by a dark-haired servant. The servant kept his gaze down, but his deep inhale as she passed him made her hair stand on end. She'd had many issues in the past with her blood being coveted, and she imagined these starving Vampires would have no qualms about making her their next and last meal.

Her long-sleeved emerald dress swished around her ankles, the neckline only just covering her mate marks and almost made her trip twice on their walk. Kian's warm body behind her eased her fears of face-planting into Kerensa's back, but she rued the fact she couldn't wear her combat boots as she wanted.

Hayes stood at the head of a fifteen-foot table decorated with more cutlery and dishware than Sylvie had seen in her whole life. She gulped, counting at least five forks, and followed behind Elias, who pulled out her chair between Kian and Rowan, taking a seat at the opposite end to Hayes. 

Kerensa took the seat opposite Sylvie and pulled the napkin to her lap. Sylvie copied in slower, calculated moves hoping she didn't look like an absolute fool.

"Thank you for joining me this evening, " Hayes started. "Though you could have spread yourselves around the table a bit more. I understand you are Elias' pets, but I don't bite."

Sylvie pressed her lips in an apologetic smile clasping her sweating hands over her lap.

"Oh well," he said, sipping a dark viscous liquid from a chalice. Then, raising it in cheers, he met her eyes. "Animal blood," he said through a lazy smile, taking another sip. He kept his gaze on her for an uncomfortable amount of time until Elias sighed.

"What do you want, Hayes?"

"What do I want? You are the one who snuck in here, killed my guards and hasn't spoken more than two sentences to me. You tell me."

When silence filled the space, food was brought out and placed in the centre of the table. Piles and piles of delicate fruits, vegetables, fresh loaves of bread and some kind of protein. Kerensa rolled her eyes when no one made a move to eat and heaped her plate.

"Yes, take as much as you'd like," Hayes nodded to her, lifting his chalice in her direction. Sylvie followed tentatively, taking a small portion and looking at Elias for confirmation.

"Oh, isn't she well trained? How gorgeous," Hayes said, leaning back in his chair. "You're a mutt, aren't you, little one?"

Sylvie swallowed a chunk of bread and nodded, ignoring the twitch in Kian's jaw at her side.

"Do you have a name?"

She shook her head.

"Her name is Sylvie," Elias filled in for her. "She is accustomed to Fae lore and has been instructed never to reveal herself; she did not mean to offend."

"Ah, yes. Trained very well indeed, then. Well, brother. How is Earth?"

Their conversation quickly turned into convoluted business lingo, and she switched off, focusing on the foreign flavours her palate explored. She wasn't sure she liked the fruits, the taste more savoury than the sweetness she was used to. 

Unwanted Fates | Book Two ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon