Cԋαρƚҽɾ Sιx

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Xiao Zhan was lying on his bed, looking at the piece of paper which held a phone number contemplating if he should dial a call or no.

It was the phone number of Wang Yibo. Xiao Zhan had asked Jiang Cheng for it, and Jiang Cheng being the silent supporter of Zhan had given it to him asking it from his mother. Xiao Zhan did not know why he felt the urge to have Yibo's personal number. And now that he had it, he did not know what to do.

Xiao Zhan thought over and over again what had happened in the evening. He knew that he shouldn't have lashed out on Yibo like that but at that moment, he could not control his anger when Yibo had said that he won't be rejected.

Xiao Zhan was still angry at Yibo for saying such a word, "You won't be rejected." It was just like, there was no value for his feelings at all. No value for him but only for his body and appearance.

Xiao Zhan had always wanted to marry someone who would love him with all his heart and cherish him forever in his life. Take care of him as he was something precious and fear of losing him as if it would be his own death.

Xiao Zhan had many dreams about his future with his alpha. He had thought of so many things. How they would live, on which kind of a place they would live, how many children they would have and so on. Although it would all seem silly to others, they held an important place in Xiao Zhan's life. His future had always been his first priority and he wanted to make no mistake in it. For he always thought that although past is past, you can still make the future right.

As much as everyone were unaware of his past, Xiao Zhan knew what exactly he had gone through in the past. He would never ever forget those horrible memories before he was taken in by Uncle Jiang. And even after he was adopted by Uncle Jiang, he still had to go through a lot of beatings and punishments by Madam Yu for no reason. Xiao Zhan hated all this but he had no other options. He thought that getting beaten by Madam Yu was better than living in streets.

Living in streets were not easy or to be more accurate, it was impossible for an beautiful omega like him. Although he was still young, those disgusting old bastards would lay hands on him with ill intentions and release their disgusting pheromones making him to submit himself. It had not happened to him just once or twice but uncoun times. Thank god, he had been able to save himself from those perverts every single time.

According to Jiang Cheng, Xiao Zhan loved sex more than anything. He thought that nothing mattered to Zhan more than having sex. But that was not true. It was one of Xiao Zhan's pretense to show them that he was alright.

When Uncle Jiang had saved him back then, he had been taken advantage by another old pervert. Xiao Zhan being weak, could not help but cry for help. And that was how Uncle Jiang had saved him. When he was taken to a doctor, the doctor had said that maybe it would remain a trauma in him forever. Xiao Zhan had known back then what it had meant. But after looking at Uncle Jiang's worried look every single time he had a nightmare of being treated in a pervert way, Xiao Zhan has thought that he should not make his savior worry about him. He should not make Uncle Jiang feel guilty for no reason. So back then, he had taken a decision and he still kept his words and that was, 'No matter what happens in the future, he will not show his fear or his weakness to anyone. He will not make uncle Jiang worried about him or his trauma. He will show everyone that he was perfectly fine and had no problems with him.'

From then on, Xiao Zhan changed. Changed himself into something he never thought he would be. Xiao Zhan no longer flinched when an unknown stranger approached him when his inner self would be screaming for help. Xiao Zhan no longer cried when someone looked at him disgustingly but when he was in his own privacy, he would cry his heart out for having those lustful eyes on him. Xiao Zhan had not changed but he pretended to be changed. He pretended to be perfectly alright strong omega just to keep his uncle away from worries. Although it had worked very well for Uncle Jiang who no longer seem so worried about him, it had not worked very well for Zhan. Xiao Zhan could not show out his fear and always had to keep it within him. He could not speak out his worries and always had to Bury it within himself. Xiao Zhan could never be himself and this was breaking him apart!

Xiao Zhan had gone through so much in his life and was still going through so he just wanted a future which would at least let him be the real way he us and no longer wanted to pretend. So Xiao Zhan had always been making perfect calculations for his future until the day Madam Yu announced that he was getting married.

That single sentence was enough to shatter all his dreams but he had tried not to show it and just pretended not to like the idea of marriage when in truth, he did not want to marry someone whom he never knew and was fear of being with a stranded for all his life.

Unexpected to him, when he had met with Yibo in the evening, he did not feel as if he was a stranger and as if they had met somewhere in the past. Xiao Zhan racked his brain for an encounter with Yibo before but he couldn't remember a single instance where he had met Yibo.

It had felt great to spend time with Yibo and Xiao Zhan had really come to like his presence until Wang Yibo had said that he would not be rejected. Xiao Zhan had wanted to scream his lungs out at Yibo saying that he was not a toy but a real human who had feelings! But he had kept shut not wanting to be rude. Unfortunately, his efforts had been futile and at last, he had lashed out at Yibo.

Xiao Zhan had not been expecting Yibo to love and cherish him but at least, he should have taken his feelings into account. Seemed like, in this lifetime, he would not get to enjoy the taste of true love!

Xiao Zhan had been so immersed in his thoughts that he did not know when he had dailed Wang Yibo's number and called him until he heard a,


'What the hell? When did I even call him? What am I even going to say?'


Xiao Zhan closed his eyes. He was really digging his own grave!

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