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Bakugou was relaxing with the other villains. He was the center of attention.

"So, have you decided on your mate?" Toga asked curiously.

Izuku sitting off in the corner listened.


The buzz in the room went dead quiet. A couple of alpha choked on their drinks, and another few nearly trip off their seats. Izuku whipped his head to look at him.

After their chat, Bakugou was silent. It was hard to say if he was still angry.

Shigaraki asked aloud, "So, who is it?"

Dabi and a few powerful alphas stepped forward a tad, confident he chose them.

"They'll find out when my next heat comes around."

There was a lot of hoots from the wave of alphas. Bakugou was putting on a confident face. Toga was squealing with delight.

An alpha smirked, "That is a prize omega right there."

Izuku was getting fed up with Katsuki's behavior. The omega was fed up with Izuku's, too. What would it take to make him forget the whole alpha-omega thing?

Katsuki crossed his arms. "I prefer prize teammate."

"Exactly," Shigaraki agreed. "That's why you're joining us tomorrow for the attack."

Izuku and Bakugou both jumped a bit. He explained, "A full-scale attack on U.A. and All Might."

Izuku mentally cursed to himself. The alpha spoke, "What about the omega smell?"

The villain scoffed, "And? He's pretty much proved his power."

Bakugou held in his joy to seem tough.

"Omega or not, he could do some serious damage."

Who would've thought Shigaraki of all people would be the first to toss out the labels? It could've been flattery, but something in his voice was genuine.

For a split moment, Izuku saw Bakugou as the explosive hot head he was, but the smell of omega coming off of him made him shake it off.

"Always looking down on me, aren't you, Deku?" Spat Katsuki.

The other alphas looked down on him often. Letting his omega take part in a dangerous job, speak back, and ditch him gave the other alphas the impression he was whipped. Izuku was pressured.

After planning, Katsuki retreated to his room. He was stopped by Izuku.

"Do you honestly think you could fight them?" Izuku glared.

"Don't start your alpha bullshit, Deku."

Izuku growled, "This has nothing to do with that!"

Bakugou paused in shock. Izuku seemed nervous and frustrated, but that dominant gaze wasn't in his eyes. The omega questioned what he meant.

"You think you could hurt All Might or our classmates?" Izuku pressed. "Kacchan, you're a hero at heart. You have been since we were kids."

Izuku reached out. Katsuki flinched, thinking he was going to pull a move and cup his face. Instead, Izuku pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry."

They shared a deep moment of silence. Katsuki remained still. There was more he wanted to hear.

"I'll stop the alpha act and be the nerd you know. You don't even have to be my mate. -"

"- Just please rethink this."


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